It Begins… Starving Migrants Raid NYC Supermarket



Remember when new york use to make fun of border states and tell them they were over reacting to migrants?

NYC is DOOMED ! Vote for POSITIVE change.


  1. Well expect the mayor to steal even more money from the citizens to give to the illegal invaders, that is always the solution from the democrat party!

  2. Their home land is so happy to get rid of them. I am 90 years old, I was raised in a America that was great…now….our own government is trying to destroy this nation and doing a pretty good job of it. God is having a hand in it’s fall also…after all, it’s a nation that puts out 95% of all porn, it has Ashtar, the Babylon whore standing in the NY harbor, check it out before you call me wrong. Isaiah 18th chapter tells of a great nation far from civilization in Isaiah’s day, a future prophecy of the end times. I see a failed nation here and who you vote for, is what you get. My future home is with the Lord my Savior, I have almost given up on this nation, and that is sad.

  3. Have a problem STOP voting Demo. for your governor and mayors. Keep voting Demo. and you get what you deserve. Enjoy your illegals and sanctuary city.

  4. Well, New York voters need only to look in a mirror for the problem so New York gets no sympathy. Their incompetence is their own problem.

  5. They are not starving they are the thugs and gang bangers sent to us from all the third world jails thanks to Xiden and Harris. They have been emboldened by this admiration to do whatever they like without any consequences, and they all KNOW it.


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