It Begins… NYC Starts Flying Migrants Out Of Town



It’s crazy how quick people changed their mind about the immigration crisis when it reaches their front door.

Charity begins at home…. Our Veterans, our homeless, our elderly.


  1. CATHOLIC TRAITORS will not allow the south border to be defended from the ILLEGAL ALIEN CATHOLIC INVADERS. Defend the USA and then save Ukraine! Vote for ANY CATHOLIC AND YOU VOTE FOR A TRAITOR.

      • Biden is a Catholic at heart because most Catholics don’t understand what they really should be trusting in. Biden trusts in his wallet and nothing else. Many Catholics think that because of certain things that they do that they will get to heaven. Christianity is not about what you do for God, but what God has done for you.

  2. FJB! Why not send the anti semitic protesters to the border. They could tie arms together and keep out illegal aliens. If a few drown or get beat up, no loss.

  3. These people are NOMADs.I am sure if they new they would be treated like stray cats they would of never come here.I hope they have the common sense to take the free ride BACK to where they came from.The cold weather will kill any body left out side.Biden needs to give out big coats and gloves with his picture on them so they know who to thank.Thanks Democrats for making America SUCK!

  4. How about deporting them back to their country of origin versus shuttling them all over our country that they broke into illegally. Fix the southern border and northern border where they can’t just walk into our country. Our national security has been compromised as well as the cost created by them being here, the drugs, gangs, human trafficking all have taken a toll on our country. If they are in our country illegally, no matter how many days, months, years, they should be deported. Children born here from illegal parents should not be legal citizens. Our leaders need to grow a pair and fix this horrific problem they created.

    • Historically when you have an invasion of this sort ,and who have been promised items/ways of entitlement and the welcoming host comes up lacking….. What do those people do when they have nothing ,no way to feed themselves,no place to live ? The Summer of 2024 will prove interesting …

      Stupid ,irrational policies ,can lead to distablizing,nasty out comes ….
      The statement someone earlier submitted about the current POTUS and traitorous actions ,I have a feeling will be validated,(unless a miracle happens) when the weather warms …

      So everyone enjoy the winter weather harsh conditions and all …Sort of the calm before the calm before the REAL storm

  5. The “R’s” want them here for cheap labor, never mind that hurts all of the legal residents. The “D’s” want them here for the votes, oops I guess they have conveniently overlooked that if they are not LEGAL Citizens they ARE NOT ALLOWED to Vote. Legal immigrants even have to wait until they have become naturalized citizenship.
    Maybe Martha’s Vineyard should get another shipment from NYC and to other sanctuary cities and states. The best would be what others have said “send them home”

  6. Send them to Delaware or send them back where they came from that would be great taxpayers should not be paying for them I’m sick of paying for them let’s take care of American citizens first make America great again

  7. Send them back to where they come from. Next time you wont brag about being a Sanctuary City. Because that makes you part of the problem and shame on you for booting kids out of their school.

  8. The New York Mayor knows that Biden won’t do anything about the illegals so why don’t he send them to Delaware or Maryland and see what Biden will do.

  9. Maybe they should consider sending a few thousand or so to Mr Biden’s birthplace Scranton,Pa. He boasted so much about it and they even renamed the I-81 Central Scranton Expressway to I believe Joe Biden Way that comes out to Biden Street.


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