Who hired the illegal alien? The company should be liable. Any company that hires an illegal alien should be charged for human trafficking.
He shouldn’t’ be in the country in the first place. Why isn’t he arrested and deported to El Salvador?
Any American company that hires Illegals is breaking the law. Illegals need to be deported now. Sue Joe Biden, Kamala Harris, their staff and the company who hired and failed to supervise this criminal. Make people pay for their unlawful actions. Break the law. Pay for doing so.
60 years would fit the crime. 6 years is an insult.
So now the illegals are using a form of biological warfare against the American citizens. This was banned by the U.N. This piece of shit needs to be sent to the bottom of the ocean so he’ll be with his own kind, whale shit on the ocean floor.
The illegal invaders don’t care if they go to jail, it is free food, housing, doctors, lawyers, all at taxpayers expense! Keep voting democrat and you will be paying for the whole shit hole world!
This is a sick individual, people have to very cautious about their drinks and food on the job. You can never leave anything unattended for even a moment. That goes for night clubs or any public place or event. If you leave you need to have someone you trust watch your food or drink for you.
Savage animal… He needs to be slaughtered like a cow. Not 6 years… Not 600,,,, Get rid of him.
What an innovative way to get health care coverage for his STDs. He’ll probably want an extended sentence, instead of going home or to El Salvador. Sick bastard (no pun intended).