At least in Fort Worth, it’s unlikely that the Father will be prosecuted. God help this family if it had happened in New York or California, he’d be in prison already.
First mistake. The attacker survived.
At least in Fort Worth, it’s unlikely that the Father will be prosecuted. God help this family if it had happened in New York or California, he’d be in prison already.
First mistake. The attacker survived.
True justice served on the perp. Good job Pop.
Justice was only partially served.
I like the Ft. Worth PD’s logo — ‘Where the West begins’. Frontier justice works, that’s how the ‘Wild West’ was tamed. Owning a gun for self-defense is like wearing your seat belt, you might never need it but if you do, you had better have it on because you won’t get a second chance.
Exactly….and it’s justified.
The right thing to do is to have complied with the criminals request that his desire to die as a women was fulfilled and provide him with a field sex change operation.
I would love to see congress pass a law making it a felony for any state to pass a law making any aspect of owning a gun or using any weapon to protect their home /family/ friends from an intruded or attacker anywhere, but especially in their home. If you are on someones property and you pose any level of threat at all the property owner should have every right to defend their property, animals, and people. the police shoudl not even be allowed to question it. just come and haul the intruder away.