He’s EXPOSING the truth of the Oklahoma City bombing and they don’t like it | Redacted News



Anyone who doesn’t think the government would do this to it’s own citizens has never studied history.

The Hawaii fires was also NOT what we have been told!


  1. I’m not convinced that our govt was not somehow involved in 9/11 either.
    Anytime the left cries “conspiracy theory” about anything has me wondering – and yes, there are some in our own govt that are very evil and capable without regard for human life.

    • no one in the media has connected the recent acts of the Gestapo (FIBbers, CIA & others) to the ones that killed JFK (insurrection), Waco, Ruby Ridge, Oklahoma City and other deeds of our evil empire callled Amerika. They stopped “looking for” John Doe # 2 a few weeks after the Oklahoma city bombing. He was an “insider” from the FIBbers. change my mind

      • all “private” video tapes from downtown OK city were picked up (stolen) so as to NOT have him & McVeigh in the same photo. Amerika is evil. she will die soon

    • you also should look DEEP into the Bosnia war and the UN, Kofi Anon & Bill Clinton pushing South Africa into communism, with YOUR tax dollars. Amerika has evil since the 1850’s, attacking, abusing and killing the citizens. Wise up & prepare

  2. All of the evidence concerning the OK Federal Buildng bombing was confiscated by the CIA controlled law enforcement. The media either does what it is told or is destroyed. The Washington Post is owned by the CIA. The ATF was outside the building and in full riot gear before the bombing. The guy set up for the bombing was 100% innocent.

    • many in downtown NYC heard secondary explosions. Damage to building ground floors, where no plane flew….. or could have

  3. Abe Lincoln first used the Patriot Act against 11 senators from Maryland. Arrested, never charged, property seized, family kicked to the street. IT was after 9/11 that George W Bush put it into law. Look at Jan 6 visitors to the nation’s capital (People’s House).

  4. a week after the election the fbi said it was a clean and fair election. how would they know? It has taken three years to uncover some of the election fraud.

    The fbi has 51 directors sign a letter to the press saying the hunter biden laptop was Russian disinformation.

    The FBI raided trumps house but did not raid hilary or bidens homes.

    There are videos of pelosi’s staff leading the wall climbing, window breaking jan 6th FBI agents out a side entrance to the capital building.

    Does anyone honestly think our governemnt employees are not capable of absolutely any level of corruption, hate, and lies.

  5. Corruption to the max, the government has always been the enemy, deep state shadow government, is who we need to eliminate, they are the enemy. Prove me wrong.


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