GM Just Announced “We’re Shutting Down”



If You See This, Don’t Buy the Car:

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⬇️Scotty’s Top DIY Tools:
1. Bluetooth Scan Tool:
2. Mid-Grade Scan Tool:
3. My Fancy (Originally $5,000) Professional Scan Tool:
4. Cheap Scan Tool:
5. Dash Cam (Every Car Should Have One):
6. Basic Mechanic Tool Set:
7. Professional Socket Set:
8. Ratcheting Wrench Set:
9. No Charging Required Car Jump Starter:
10. Battery Pack Car Jump Starter:

⬇️ Things used in this video:
1. Common Sense
2. 4k Camera:
3. Camera Microphone:
4. Camera Tripod:
5. My computer for editing / uploading:

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It’s not government money
it’s the taxpayers money


  1. Your deliverance is getting near.—Luke 21:28 The Kingdom Is in Place!
    “The kingdom of the world has become the Kingdom of our Lord and of his Christ.”—REV. 11:15.
    WHEN you look at world conditions, do you find it difficult to maintain a positive outlook? Family ties are fraying. People in general are becoming more and more violent, selfish, and aggressive. Many find it difficult to trust those in authority. But these very conditions can give you confidence. Why? Because people are acting exactly as was foretold in a remarkable prophecy about “the last days.” (2 Tim. 3:1-5) The fulfillment of this prophecy, which is impossible for any sincere person to deny, provides evidence that Christ Jesus has begun ruling as King of God’s Kingdom. But this is only one of many prophecies concerning the Kingdom. It will be faith-strengthening for us to review other prophecies that have been fulfilled in recent years.
    We will consider (1) a prophecy that helps us discern when the Kingdom was established, (2) prophecies that help us perceive Jesus’ invisible presence as King of God’s Kingdom, and (3) prophecies that reveal how enemies of God’s Kingdom will come to their end. We will see that these prophecies fit together like the pieces of a jigsaw puzzle to provide a clear picture of where we are in Jehovah’s timetable of events.
    The full Deliverance information is 3 pages (about 1900 words), If you would like to read all of the information, please email me and request that I send it to you; it is free. If you wish, I can also direct you to a Bible study course that you would enjoy in your own home; please request the info about the FREE Bible study course via email; [email protected]. If you have questions about the Bible or about prophecies in the Bible, I can answer your questions and I use the Bible to do so. I can answer any question or doubts about the Bible that you may have and always do so freely.

  2. Pete Buttigieg, where are you? Infrastructure needs help! Is AOC still happy with her electric car? Really great regime in DC today. Yeah right!

  3. Food for thought: Trump in 2016 made the companies return to the US, invigorated the auto industry, cars selling like crazy raised tariffs on countries with competing products economy soared. Joey in 2020 stopped the oil pipeline,1st day and it has been downhill ever since, gas soared cost of a vehicles soared, electric green energy butt pumpers tried to change America’s way of transportation overnight, and now the prices are high, and no one is making enough money to meet their ends, Sound familiar? it should because Barack did the same thing in his first 4 years. So you tell me who is running this country behind the curtain, the great wizard of Africa, Barack Obama.

  4. Is there anything that this corrupt,anti-american president and his administration hasn’t destroyed in our country,everything they touch or do turns to crap,our country will not survive another 4 years of them in office,Trump 2024

  5. AND we’re to feel sorry for them? How? They have Biden and crew to blame whom they supported so I’ll only say “tah tah”.


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