Gavin Newsom gets DUMPSTERED on live TV!



I have lived in Southern California since birth. Gavin Newson has to be the WORST governor ever!

When will Gruesome Newsom be held accountable?


  1. Sure Newsom is sorry, he’s a sorry piece of shit. The people of California don’t deserve to have this narcissistic moron as their governor. Newsom can’t get out of the mess he’s created and the government is helping him out. Why? So he can strut around telling people HE should be credited for doing right by the people? No this moron jackass should be fined and sent to jail for his crimes and lies. That’s what is wrong with our judicial system, not doing anything to help the average citizen. Newsom is a fraud and a liar who shouldn’t be allowed to hold office.

    • people in california are morons. they voted for this piece of trash fake teeth lying democrat three times.

      You have to be pretty dam stupid to be voting democrat after the wildfires, huge debt, mandates and regulations they have passed in that state.

      • Maybe the majority didn’t actually vote for him. Maybe the election was rigged and he actually didn’t win after all. But, no matter how much proof you have that the election could have been rigged, you’ll never be able to convince anyone, even if you have witnesses.

  2. Hey, Cali voted him into office, tried to recall him and voted for him AGAIN. I’m having trouble working up any sympathy. One of his big supporters is Zuckerberg and his wife, what does that tell you? NewScum makes my skin crawl and only one other politician has done that Bill Clinton. Those two are cut from the same cloth.

    • exactly. Californians deserve are the schiff that is piling on them.

      Some of them are even gleeful about the mess he has made.

  3. But yet, when calif. had a chance to vote him out (remember the recall??) there were enough, who seem to lack something “upstairs”, that voted him right back into office. I’ll never figure that out…

  4. The rise of the pretty boy Newsom has been against zero to token opposition, and he’s truly disgusting. He’s been asleep at the wheel while the state of California has gone to ruin. Oakland, San Francisco, and Los Angeles are PIGSTUYS due to his inattention. His two main pursuits are having that greasy evangelist hair trimmed every Saturday morning, and his continuous shopping for his next $3,000 suit.

  5. greasy hair fake teeth newsom is the sleaziest governor in the country.

    Newsom would be the dumbest, but Washington state has Inslee backed by Ferguson and it just does not get any dumber then that.

  6. U got what u voted for. A liberal, progressive, totally incompetent, pos that has destroyed the most beautiful, state in the country. Part of crazy, n. piglosi, family, we all know how worthless she has been, This worthless newsom, is a destroyer, he knows nothing, and makes up crap, to make Cali worse off, he should of been, recalled, but idiots wouldn’t vote the jackass out, u deserve him.


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