He looks dumber than rock. Is he Maxine Waters son?
Same dumb look, could be
BLM are nothing but a bunch of Brain Dead DOMESTIC TERRORISTS A-HOLES
Stay the hell away from that town!
The voters deserve what they’ll get. Have they not been paying attention to the sudden wealth of the BLM leaders who misappropriated their donations? Let the whining begin.
The whole whole Fulton County of Georgia is corrupt and it seems to be 99%. Of black people actually have Rene Bryan. They should just round up everyone. Figure out the 1%, let them go and imprison the rest.
$1.37 charge, $2.12 charge, wonder what’s he buying that is that cheap.
Do he even speak English? You can take the kid out of the Ghetto, but can’t take the Ghetto out of the rat. This is what DEI, CRT, AA get you. Unqualified, uneducated, scam artists who absolutely know how to “get over” HA…. Over the oceans… that is.. He needs to run on a new Segregation platform, maybe we can give them a state that they own, all live and see what happens. They can call it “New Haliti”
He sounds like Barak Obambam…. Righteous, finger pointing… Piece of shit. The woman calling him out should be the one to run the city. He needs to disappear. When on your back , like a struggling turtle, call out the race card, BTW, you know how much a Shiba costs. I owned 3 Akitas and it costs majorly. Service for fking what??? Being black too traumatic?. He makes being a negro/black whatever it is called today , a “built-in” disability, requiring assistance, welfare, forgiveness, sympathy and EXCEPTION….Hey I’m for that… Let’s Except them from decent, educated, law abiding society and see how long it takes them to self-destruct.
He looks dumber than rock. Is he Maxine Waters son?
Same dumb look, could be
BLM are nothing but a bunch of Brain Dead DOMESTIC TERRORISTS A-HOLES
Stay the hell away from that town!
The voters deserve what they’ll get. Have they not been paying attention to the sudden wealth of the BLM leaders who misappropriated their donations? Let the whining begin.
The whole whole Fulton County of Georgia is corrupt and it seems to be 99%. Of black people actually have Rene Bryan. They should just round up everyone. Figure out the 1%, let them go and imprison the rest.
$1.37 charge, $2.12 charge, wonder what’s he buying that is that cheap.
Do he even speak English? You can take the kid out of the Ghetto, but can’t take the Ghetto out of the rat. This is what DEI, CRT, AA get you. Unqualified, uneducated, scam artists who absolutely know how to “get over” HA…. Over the oceans… that is.. He needs to run on a new Segregation platform, maybe we can give them a state that they own, all live and see what happens. They can call it “New Haliti”
He sounds like Barak Obambam…. Righteous, finger pointing… Piece of shit. The woman calling him out should be the one to run the city. He needs to disappear. When on your back , like a struggling turtle, call out the race card, BTW, you know how much a Shiba costs. I owned 3 Akitas and it costs majorly. Service for fking what??? Being black too traumatic?. He makes being a negro/black whatever it is called today , a “built-in” disability, requiring assistance, welfare, forgiveness, sympathy and EXCEPTION….Hey I’m for that… Let’s Except them from decent, educated, law abiding society and see how long it takes them to self-destruct.