Fani Willis SHUT DOWN By Guttfeld Legend Tyrus For Her Public Speech



She committed fraud, she tore herself down. She spent money that was designated for other purposes and it has been proven. Fani, needs to resign, she is so dishonest.

Trump 2024


  1. DNA and race — The discussions/arguments about race are all very strange to me. Course, I have heard it all before. Many times. So, I have a very simple question for you. I ‘assume’ you know what DNA is, correct? Every one of your cells that make up your body has an approximate 6 foot long string of DNA inside which carries all of the info needed for your cells to reproduce. ALL cells ever examined, including the oldest known to man, have some version of DNA in them (RNA in the oldest). Without this ‘map’, there is no reproduction of the cells possible — this is not my opinion. It is science. RNA/DNA is noted by Scientists as quite possibly the most complicated ‘construct’ that exists in the universe. IN THE UNIVERSE. So, since there is ‘no god’ according to many, and most who claim that race and God both exist still cling to concepts of race? Now, since evolutionists can’t explain how evolution occurred without RNA/DNA, here is your opportunity to solve their grand problem and explain it to them (and to those who claim to ‘believe’ in God), oh, and to me, of course, by explaining how DNA/RNA self-assembled? You understand, like when you decide to build a house and order all of the material, have it delivered to where the house is to be built, and then stand back and watch how the house self-assemblies itself. Kinda like that. (Genesis 1:27 And God went on to create the man in his image, in God’s image he created him; male and female he created them. — Acts 17:26 And he made out of one man every nation of men…)
    On the other hand, we have proof of how Almighty God views this subject; Of course, this comes as no surprise to those who accept the scientifically accurate viewpoint on race found in the Bible: “[God] created every race of men of one stock, to inhabit the whole earth’s surface.” Hence, genuine Christians view other races as does “God [who] has no favorites, but in every nation the man who is God fearing and does what is right is acceptable to him.”—Acts 17:26; 10:34, 35, “New English Bible.” By doing this deep study, you will also come to the conclusion that race only exists in the eyes of fools, and not of God. Acts 10:34 At this Peter opened his mouth and said: “For a certainty I perceive that God is not partial, 35 but in every nation the man that fears him and works righteousness is acceptable to him.
    I am ‘white’ as most would presume upon seeing me. Born and raised in Wyoming/Montana but I live in Mexico and have for some 26 years. I am married to a wonderful woman of Mexico who does not speak English. Most of my numerous friends also do not speak English. And I could care less, but I do not know how that could be done. I mean, caring less. I have never understood the discussions about ‘race’ and why it matters so much to so many, and how such discussions and hatred (which are not spiritual but are works of the flesh) separate them from Almighty God. We know that the end of this system ruled by Satan is very near. The faithful slave (Matt 24:45-48) appointed directly by Jesus and which oversees the world wide preaching work NOW being done has told us this and what is happening now worldwide is apparently the beginning of the fulfillment of Matt 24:21, 22. If you want to know more, please ask, or, if you want the entire explanation of the Holy Name Jehovah (about 15 pages and some 10,000 words) email me and I will send it. Any help/answers I can provide are always free. If you have questions, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home. Please request the link to study the Bible in your home via email.

  2. Anyone continuing to ‘believe’ the “Justice” system currently run in this country is “Just” and “equal” under the law, should schedule their long overdue lobotomy!

    • 81,000,000 lobotomies and counting. “pResident-elect Joe Biden now holds the record for the most votes received by a presidential candidate, after getting more than 81 million.”

      • Maybe you work for MaGoo’s Campaign? I wouldn’t give you $.50 for Senator Coons or Bribem’s scalp. Maybe you should come down to “Lower Slower Sussex County, DE”. Ask what they think of the state’s “1st Corrupt Family”.

      • well I would agree with you, except! It is hard to give a pre-filled printed ballot a lobotomy. It is also difficult to give series of computer commands for the dominion company to their voting machines a lobotomy.

        The fact is anybody who believes the 2020 election had one candidate get 71 million votes and the other candidate get 80 million votes in a country with 150 registered voters is a nut.

        We rarely get to 70% of registered voters actually voting. you loose 5% due to illness, vacations, and business trips. that is 7.5 million. which brings your total down to 142.5 million. then there is apathy, old age, and young people who just do not vote. That accounts for about 25%. which is 37.5 million. that brings your total voters down to 105 million. 71 plus 81 equals 152. that is a problem right there. when you add in the normal non-voters almost 50 million too many votes.

  3. Fani is guilty of trying to overthrow a government system – she broke the law. That is part of treason. Instead of our Federal or Civil courts arresting her, the Military Jag officers should step in and take her to Gitmo for her trial (tribunal) to settle it all. As far a “race” is concerned, if some people have a problem for what race certain people are, just wait until the extraterrestrial races come to earth. Now that could be a shock. People need to learn to accept what is already there and stop trying to control everyone according to how THEY think! Damned bunch of toddlers!

  4. Seems to me like there is a new push taking place to separate and broaden the differences between the black and white race. It’s like a new wave of dislike being brewed up by the democrat party as a method to create an issue. Why not, and what’s their next tactic to prevent we the people from winning the upcoming election. We must defeat the democrat party and restore our country before they destroy us all and give it away to non Americans.

    • that’s what the democrats want is to separate the people black on one side white on the other, all this work done prior to bring people together and the are NOW doing the opposite, joe is racist from the word go-always has been and always will be for a leopard cannot change his spots

  5. Send her to Gitmo to entertain the terrorists……….

    Unless O’Bidne has already freed all the terrorists.

  6. Donald Trump is the only US president that has survived a coup. The likes of Obama, Bribden, Pelosi, Shumer, Brenan, Clapper and her majesty Clinton and the Fake news media, all chirped during the Mueller investigation that Trump was cornered and about to go down. The only problem was Mueller couldn’t find any wrongdoing on behalf of the President. However, to save face he wouldn’t give the President at all clear, which resulted in the continuation of the crap. The second impeachment hearing resulted in a lot of concocted evidence by the likes of Schiff and others all not resulting in any real proof. Even Bribdens God son Zelenski said that Trump did not tell him that he wasn’t going to receive the money appropriated for his war with Russia. Unlike Joey who 8 years earlier threatened to withhold those same funds if the prosecutor looking into Hunter Bidens illegal payments received for doing nothing wasn’t fired. Son of a B*tch they fired him, remember that line? Well, the problem persist that the line of BS continues against a man who has had nothing but this country’s best interest at heart. He still to this day regardless of the BS throwed at him seeks the highest office in the land. With what he has faced in the last 16 years and stood up against it, there should be zero doubt about who you are voting for. It doesn’t matter whether he is your favorite or not, it is the job he will do on our behalf and he will NOT BE COMPROMISED, period

  7. but joe will lie and promise loan forgiveness to the stupid students and they will vote for him(democrat) but they don’t see that they will be paying it back in higher taxes the rest of their and their children’s children-
    the democrat way=you will own(have) NOTHING and you will be happy
    case closed, kiss your freedom goodbye

    • The taxpayers will be paying for the students’ indoctrination and brainwashing, not education in the traditional sense. That’s even worse. We’re expected to pay for the creation of anti-American “graduates” who hate America and all who love her. Biden is in defiance of SCOTUS’ stay until they can make a unanimous decision. It would have never passed Congress even with all of the corrupt Dems and RINOs.

  8. The people who voted for Biden (real votes not fake ones) there is a lesson to be learned here but some of you won’t take the time to learn it. Even if you were born into a democrat family you need to do your homework, open your eyes and see what the reality is. SEE for yourself if this country is going backwards, SEE for yourself if you want things better. SEE for yourself do you whole heartedly trust Biden and his administration to do right by you and your family and country. Ask yourself after hearing the lies being said by Biden and his administration could you honestly believe Biden is concerned or will be a strong leader and will protect us from enemies of other countries? Biden has other countries laughing and making jokes about our country. The USA is ripped apart and it’s only because of the rotten liberal leftists who are working with certain corrupt elites who want to make this country and the rest of the world a One World Order or Reset. Standing together and uniting our country will make it impossible for them to do this. There is massive hatred coming from the left and they will continue their attacks until they get what they want and need. Let’s stand together and fight together for our country and show them what we are all about. The USA is worth fighting for and we will never stop fighting for our freedom. Many have died for our country please don’t let their death be in vain.

  9. Fani has a “look at me it’s all about me” attitude pure narcissistic behavior. She’s nothing more than a corrupt liar who has no integrity whatsoever and is just plain stupid. She will not admit that she stole money to pay her bed friend Wade and to go to lavish places with him. She’s a trash bag and she needs to be removed.


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