Election Bombshell: Trump Warns of Possible Cancellation as Biden’s Polls Plummet



November 5th is going to be the most important day for our country if we don't vote for President Trump and get him back in the White House we're not going to have a country anymore!! Trump 2024!!

I wish we could have the election tomorrow put Donald Trump back in the White House and get back to living in American life instead of a life of a Third World country


  1. Sinners we be. Why? Because Adam lost his and our perfection (ALL of Almighty Jehovah God’s works are perfect because He is infallible) through his disobedience. What did Jesus tell us? I came to call, not righteous people, but sinners.—Matt. 9:13. We should strive to let go of guilt that we may feel because of serious sins committed in the past. Of course, we would never consider the ransom sacrifice of Jesus for us to be an excuse to “practice sin willfully.” (Heb. 10:26-31) But we can rest assured that if we truly have repented of a serious sin, have sought the help Jehovah provides, and have changed our conduct, he has forgiven us in a large way (Isa. 55:7; Acts 3:19). The ransom sacrifice is powerful enough to cover all our sins and will make life in Paradise possible. Life there will never be boring. We will always have interesting people to meet and meaningful work to do. Best of all, each day we will be able to come to know our heavenly Father better and enjoy what he has provided. We will never run out of things to learn about him, and there will be so much to learn about his creation.
    KING SOLOMON’S RULE—A TASTE OF PARADISE – King David was inspired to write about what life would be like when a future wise and faithful king would sit on the throne. (Psalm 37:10, 11, 29.) We often read Psalm 37:11 when discussing the coming Paradise. That is certainly justified because Jesus quoted that text in his Sermon on the Mount, indicating that it will have a future fulfillment. (Matt. 5:5) But David’s words also revealed what life would be like in King Solomon’s day. When Solomon ruled Israel, God’s people enjoyed special peace and prosperity in a land “flowing with milk and honey.” God had said: “If you continue walking in my statutes, I will put peace in the land, and you will lie down with no one making you afraid.” (Lev. 20:24; 26:3, 6) Those promises came true during Solomon’s reign. (1 Chron. 22:9; 29:26-28) And there was the prospect that wicked ones would “be no more.” (Ps. 37:10) Hence, the words found at Psalm 37:10, 11, 29 had an ancient fulfillment and will also be fulfilled in the very near future. Right now, Satan rules the governments of this world. Understanding that should explain to you why there is so much corruption in ALL human governments. The time allotted for Satan to rule is very soon ending; if you have questions as to why Satan has been allowed to rule, please ask; there was a very good reason for this AND it is not to test us. Please remember that Almighty God has guaranteed in His Bible that the earth will exist forever. If you have questions/doubts, please ask or email me with your questions/doubts; [email protected]. I can answer ANY question you may have about the Bible and I use the Bible to answer such questions. Any help I can provide is always free as is commanded in the Bible. I depend upon Him for what I need; not you. If you wish to study the Bible, I can direct you to a FREE Bible study course that you can enjoy in your own home.

    That is not ever going to happen America is over, why is this so difficult for so many people to grasp?

  3. It’s truly amazing that when you talk to a liberal about what’s happening in our country today they are absolutely clueless,I had a conversation with one recently and we argued about Bidens open boarders policy and they denied that to be true,everything that is wrong in our country it’s because of the Republicans according to the liberals,they are being brainwashed by the lies being put forth by the media and the Biden administration and they tell me I’m listening to the only 2 media stations who are telling me nothing but lies,another 4 years of this pathetic,corrupt,anti-american administration and our country and our freedom will be gone

    • I have one of my 5 children who is a leftist (there are no liberals anymore). much as you said this child can not example any of their positions and is certain the republicans are responsible for everything.

      They asked me to help them pay for some schooling and I said why would I waste my money on someone who is clearly not capable of learning. At 30 years old you shoudl be easily paying for your own schooling if you had been taking some personal responsibility.

  4. As the late. Great Rush Limbrough use to say…These left wing nut-jobs have MUSH for brains they have NO Common Sense…Brain washed and Brain dead.. It’s a shame these so called well educated Morons believe this Crap…These morons are Paid to march in the streets of America yelling and scream all the Bull-Crap the Demo-Crap’s want on Live TV, from so called Reporters spewing’s their Vile opinions, to the Paid Internet Influencer’s. On top of all that we have the Head Clown and his Screwball administration Spewing their Crap everyday.. WE Need Our Country Back Or We WLL Go Down the Drain.. TRUMP TRAIN All The WAY!!!


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