Don Jr. MELTS TV Cameras With FLAMETHROWER Speech Outside Trump Trial Reporters Left SPEECHLESS



America first and Trump 2024. Make America Great Again and FJB!!

Not one Democrat will stand for justice or against the corrupt system Trump 2024 Vote all dems out of government


  1. Don Jr. is spot on the “Silence of the Lambs” among cowardly Dems speaks legions about the very strong case to vote them all out of office for complicity with Biden to overthrow our Constitution and our form of government. No values, no standards, no VOICES among these despicable cowards to weigh against the illegal invasion, rising crime, 100K fetanyl deaths among America’s youth, human and sexual trafficking, the crimes against ordinary Americans goes on and on…and met with Dem SILENCE…

  2. The extreme leftists like to warble that WE are destroying Democracy and PRESIDENT TRUMP caused election interference, while we are witnessing the limps doing just that.
    As Stumblina sinks in the polls and Latinos and Blacks flock to Conservatism, watch as the Marxists ramp it up and make Stalin look like Reagan. They will do anything it takes to keep the border open to usurpers and terrorists, drug lords………………….

  3. A million times I have said don’t listen to what they say, but to watch what they do, and what the democrats are doing is destroying your nation by stealing from you to assist the illegals invade your nation! And so is all the alphabet soup agencies in government!
    They are traitors one and all!

    • I just got my copy of BLOOD MONEY , by Peter Schweizer. This documentary tell’s of the war being waged against our country by China, using Covid, Fentanyl and the open border they are sliding CCP Troops through, loose into our country with Biden’s aid. The first page mentions Biden profiting by many things including the surrender in Afghanistan. And he’s not the only one!

  4. The Nazi used propaganda in world war 2 to benefit their cause and Trump idolizes, the little man because they were cut from the same cloth and share the same sickness, Pathological Narcissistic disorder. Trump keeps a book on his night stand that is the biography of Hitler and lately had been using words and phrases to describe anyone oppose to him directly from this book.


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