DEA’s Airport Search SCAM Caught on Video | HELP Fund the Lawsuit!



IJ’s Class Action Complaint:

This is where the hatred law enforcement comes from

I posted this and I got nothing but positive feedback
How can we the people make a change
I’m not talking about a political party I’m talking about we the people the United States not divided state


  1. this is what needs to happen. you need to travel with ten people. as soon as he says anything you say you are under citizens arrest when he resists you immediately put him on the ground and retain him. you retain the other guy and you tell both of them they are under arrest for violating your civil rights. you then take their wallets, guns and id and march them back to the tsa agents and tell they are under arrest and they they are not to be release.

  2. DEA……Department of Inebriated Arseholes?????

    THIS is why I travel by RV at my leisure, my luggage in my drawers and wardrobe, with my own personal bathroom no less.

    Ya’ll can fly the skies with sighs and lies.

    • keep funding the deep STATE and their goons in the Gestapo and enjoy the abuse. WHY did we separate from England? Why did the South want to STOP the abuses? How would YOU like a 50-60% tax cut? 100% reduction in federal regulations? FREE yourself AND your state from abuse, like REAL MEN would have done

    • I flew prolifically when working for 30 years but after retiring I stopped because the idiocy of TSA even when I was a gold medallion member and allowed through a special line especially after I shaved my head for a while. I let my hair grow back and it stopped.

      • IF we don’t hang together, we most assuredly will hang separately. quote from WW II. RED states need to separate from this evil empire, AGAIN !

    • this is why you know we need new laws that restrict governemtn employees and hold each of them personally responsible for they actions. these two need to be in prison. they are running a scam and they know it. The dog will sit on any bag they set down. that is what they trained it to do.

      You can bet if they fine $2000 in your bag only $1000 gets put in the police evidence locker.

  3. U got it Tim, if we don’t stand together, we will hang alone. It has been a long time, since I heard this, but it is on the money, dealing with this dirty, low=down, radical, liberal, socialist, marxist, commie dumbocrap party. These dea agents can go pound sand.

  4. teh dog is not a drug dog. the dog is trained to sit on anything the guy puts down. the dog is a scam. If the agent puts down two, three, or four bags the dog will sit on all of them. Even if the bags are empty that dog will sit on them.

    Both agents should be required by law to give their name, office, supervisor name and badge numbers. Further we need to make all costs associated with any of these DEA scams the direct responsibility of the DEA agent.

    when they say we are detaining your bag that is a public taking and a violation of the 4th amendment. The result shoudl be that agents are automatically guilty and they shoudl automatically be liable for $100,000 in civil rights violation fines. Another $100,000 in pain and suffering fines, and the cost of everythign associated with the flight, hotels, rental cars, food, clothes, luggage transfers everything.

    These are the same completely worthless DEA people who are letting tons of fentanyl across the border. you all think tons of fentanyl are in the mostly empty day pack.

    We need better laws to protect citizens of these DEA predators


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