Fani Willis is the JUDGES MENTOR, Do you really think he is going to rule against her? Did you watch the same circus when she was on the stand. If she had a witness or was questioning a witness and they acted like she did, They would have been put in Contempt of Court and sent to jail!!!
Flush the whole mess down the toilet !!!! She has no business being
in the role she is playing.!!! Sorry sorry sorry !!!! Does not deserve
a pass on this. She needs to suffer the consiquences of her actions
While I would be thrilled to have Judge McAfee dismiss the case, in the absence of that, I hope the case is passed along to another office which in short order announces that based on their review of the case, charges should not have been brought and the case is dismissed. Guilty pleas already obtained in this case should be vacated as they were extracted under extreme duress.
Fani Willis is the JUDGES MENTOR, Do you really think he is going to rule against her? Did you watch the same circus when she was on the stand. If she had a witness or was questioning a witness and they acted like she did, They would have been put in Contempt of Court and sent to jail!!!
Flush the whole mess down the toilet !!!! She has no business being
in the role she is playing.!!! Sorry sorry sorry !!!! Does not deserve
a pass on this. She needs to suffer the consiquences of her actions
While I would be thrilled to have Judge McAfee dismiss the case, in the absence of that, I hope the case is passed along to another office which in short order announces that based on their review of the case, charges should not have been brought and the case is dismissed. Guilty pleas already obtained in this case should be vacated as they were extracted under extreme duress.