CRAZY Maxine Waters THREATENS Melania Trump at LA Rally Yesterday…..



*Hello All!!! CRAZY Maxine Waters is about 20 years past her expiration date and someone really needs to get this woman HELP!!!!*

If Mad Cow disease had a face that would be it.


  1. This dumb dummycrat bitch has finally crossed a line. Threatening the First Lady will bring the black helicopters circling over Maxipad’s house will the secret service comes banging on the door. Maxipad will be the OLD meat on the cell block.

  2. It is a good thing Maxine is from the African American community, or she would have to be responsible for her actions! Like BLM says, “Only Black Lives Matter “

  3. How in Hades did democrats get so STUPID? We’re they born that way, or does being in office make them that way!!! Most of them are dumber than a freaking bag of hammers!!!!

    This woman needs a muzzle, and to be thrown in jail for incitement!!! That is all she ever does when she talks about OUR PRESIDENT!!!

  4. What a psycho . We really have people in our government like this. She’s an instigator. Pathetic. No wonder our country is divided . We can’t have people like her stirring the pot,(or should I say cauldron).

  5. Agree. She probably has no idea who her parents are and why has nobody brought to light the BArry’s dad was already married when he “married” the white lady who gave birth to Barry? Isn’t that bigamy? What does that make Barry, when his daddy is a bigamist? HIs daddy then returned to his real family/kids in Kenya and left the white lady, who raised Barra in the white culture…. so. Is Barry Obama legit or illegit? I still question his citizenship as his mommy like “foreign” meat and move around a lot.


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