This case should be a warning for criminals.
The classic tale of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes
This case should be a warning for criminals.
The classic tale of playing stupid games and winning stupid prizes
Another hero, willing to take action. Good. We need more of this, since the Police are now social workers trained to coddle and talk down the psycho a-hole, show him sympathy and understanding while he is trying to off an innocent victim. That’s right, softies. Treat a murderer wanna -be like the victim. Like the school shooting in Uvalde, Texas where dozens of “cops” hid behind walls, fearing they might get knicked while children were slaughtered. Yeah, cops… these guys worth their weight in dog shit. That is where we are. We need to take it into our own hands. Just open up on him. Shoot to kill.
“gun laws for thee, but tax funded armed security & NO gun laws for me or my family” says child sniffer, sloppy Joe Obiden. keep paying to be abused by the socialist in gov’t. and they WILL deliver
In Newsomfornia, Gayvin closes prisons, releases murderers and rapists and whines about citizens having to protect themselves with a firearm.
“The California parole board granted releases to six men convicted of murder in our county.”-vvdailypress’
True justice served.