Canada Is Banning & Confiscating Citizens Guns To Send To Ukraine



Remember when Trudeau told Canadians that no one was taking firearms from law abiding citizens?

First thing a dictator does is unarm the people.


  1. Democracy is when the government fears it’s citizens. Tyranny is when citizens fear their government. They don’t have a Second Amendment in Canada — this is what happens.

    • I suggest a direct invasion by american gangs and criminals. After all the Canadians can no longer defend themselves. No real resistance. With more then half the population being liberals they will not even fight back. Take their homes over haul the liberals 200 miles north and leave them naked in the woods. Free homes.

  2. So Trudeau is looking forward to bears and wolves tearing apart and eating Canadians. Trudeau is looking forward to grandma being beating to death by home invaders. No reason to assume that old retire couple of ex-lawyers down the street are armed: easy pickens.

    Oh hey, There is a rich neighborhood full of CEO’s up the street. They can not defend themselves anymore. Time for some new jewelry, furniture, and maybe a couple rounds with the wife and kids. Yup your liberal government just made you an easy target. thanks Liberals. Every criminal will be much more happy, health, and wealthy.

    When the criminals know you are unarmed there is nothing stopping them. Does this mean Trudeau’s security people will be unarmed too? I bet not. Probably shoudl start publishing politicians home addresses.

    I guess this is how you know that “liberal” leftist governments do not represent the people of their country. I wonder if this is enough to make Canadians wake up and stop voting liberal.

    Probably not. liberal / leftist voters are too stupid to learn. Enjoy having your children turned into meals ready to eat and your homes turned into quickimarts for criminals.

  3. Were I a gun owning citizen in Canada, I’d band with some others and grab some Politicians and ship THEM to Ukraine.

    A good idea even if I were not a gun owning citizen in Canada.


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