BREAKING: Obama asks Joe Biden to DROP OUT of 2024 race.



Just imagine the worst president of all time storming into your office and telling you what a bad job HEs doing, and then demanding that you quit.

Hope Biden keeps running. A easy win for Trump.


  1. Joe is a loser and Obama knows it. Obama is freaking out because Joe was a good cover for Obama to continue his attack on America and our citizens!

  2. I agree with both of you, Just can’t get those in Congress to see it, They are still wanting the Sky to Fall and call it Climate Change. Joe may have turned the Gas and Oil back on, but now Congress can see that it leads to supplying a foreign country with our gas and oil and making a profit so we have to pay higher prices to use our own gas and oil. Sounds like that is happening, Oh and I would like to have voted for Nikki Haley, but I don’t think she can out play the Soros people. They are set to destroy America. We need to rid ourselves of Soros. before he gets what he is after. He wants to destroy the USA and he has bought off a lot of Congress. Any time you see a picture of him he is with the higher Democrats.

  3. Worst Presidents? Let me give you a hand: Ronald Reagan, George Bush, and the former real-estate agent Donald Trump. Enough said.

  4. Just had a good laugh after listening to the commentator clip. The way he described Joe Biden, fits exactly the very nature, personality, and demeanor of Donald Trump. With the ego trump has, he should have two heads, at least.

  5. Obama wants Biden out of the way so they can drop is bull moose of a wife into the run. What would that make an Obama 4th term! Now here’s something to think about, Obama and Bill Clinton are backing Biden, so you have a pedophile/rapist and a downlow queer backing a dementia ridden pedophile/pervert, grifter and family, and we wonder what the hell is going on with morals in Washington.

  6. The silver tongue socialist (Obama) & the idiot clown (Biden) should never have graced the white house. They do not care about America or it’s people and represent the worst of the progressive left. We will be fortunate if we can avoid another 9/11 before sanity returns to DC.

  7. He wants michael to run so he can have his 4th term .oboma running and ruining the show now.people are dunb enough to vote for her .4 more years of oboma will destroy america

  8. Sanity, morals, decency in Washington, that’s a laugh! There is always somebody with a knife ready to stab you in the back, too much pocket stuffing in the hellhole! Satan is alive and well in that place.

  9. If Big Mike were to run then he would be subjected to a through background check. I’d really like to see what that will turn up. Grade school pic’s, family get-together, birthday parties, you know , regular family pics. Where will they get them from ??


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