This is quite a soap opera. I wonder if Biden will step down? I hear the dems are attempting to replace him with a hot dog vender from Mexico, or is it a rickshaw driver from Tiawon, or maybe a cab driver from Boysey? Who knows, maybe Kamala and then Michelle Obama or her Husband the former President. I would vote for Jerry Lewis if he was still alive but he’s not as funny as these guys! Because of the mass confusion and media garbage slinging, Trump will probably win!
The Dems always, always, always, always accuse of what they are guilty of. Just listen to what they accuse, this is how we know what they are doing behind those powerful office’s closed doors.
The louder they accuse, and the more they accuse, the more they are guilty. The Narcissist’s Accusations: Projecting Their Own Guilt. Simply put, it’s when someone throws their own undesirable feelings, traits, actions, and crimes onto those they hate, they wield projection as a weapon. Just like they weaponize the highest offices against their opponents to deflect their crimes off of themselves. It’s called Narcissistic Projection – and it’s Communism 101.
It’s like reading a dime novel. They’ve constantly squealed on themselves. We’ve been watching this for a long time. They all should swing, but for some reason they all have immunity for anything they’ve done.
Don’t trust anyone in New York law. Moving sentencing to September means Marchan will likely jail Trump forcing cancellation of the September debate preventing Biden from more public humiliation. Remember that
Marchan is a Biden supporter and donor and his daughter works for the Democratic campaign.
The news today is like watching ” The Days of Our Lives” The Deep State in our Government is finally being exposed for all the hate and resentfulness they have shown for the Trump Family. Why_ Because he loves America, and the American people. Donald Trump does not need to enrich himself because he has been smart enough to make a honest living using his own talents at helping to build New York. Now they want you to vote for Machelle Obama which would give Obama another four years to finish the job of destroying this country. Wake up America. Trump wants no salary. He only wants to bring this country back from the damage caused by Bidon and his boss Obama. And the DEEP STATE.
The end is near.
Once again the leftists who haunt these comment sections were WRONG.
This is quite a soap opera. I wonder if Biden will step down? I hear the dems are attempting to replace him with a hot dog vender from Mexico, or is it a rickshaw driver from Tiawon, or maybe a cab driver from Boysey? Who knows, maybe Kamala and then Michelle Obama or her Husband the former President. I would vote for Jerry Lewis if he was still alive but he’s not as funny as these guys! Because of the mass confusion and media garbage slinging, Trump will probably win!
The Dems always, always, always, always accuse of what they are guilty of. Just listen to what they accuse, this is how we know what they are doing behind those powerful office’s closed doors.
The louder they accuse, and the more they accuse, the more they are guilty. The Narcissist’s Accusations: Projecting Their Own Guilt. Simply put, it’s when someone throws their own undesirable feelings, traits, actions, and crimes onto those they hate, they wield projection as a weapon. Just like they weaponize the highest offices against their opponents to deflect their crimes off of themselves. It’s called Narcissistic Projection – and it’s Communism 101.
That’s one of Saul Alinsky’s ‘Rules For Radicles.’
It’s like reading a dime novel. They’ve constantly squealed on themselves. We’ve been watching this for a long time. They all should swing, but for some reason they all have immunity for anything they’ve done.
Don’t trust anyone in New York law. Moving sentencing to September means Marchan will likely jail Trump forcing cancellation of the September debate preventing Biden from more public humiliation. Remember that
Marchan is a Biden supporter and donor and his daughter works for the Democratic campaign.
The news today is like watching ” The Days of Our Lives” The Deep State in our Government is finally being exposed for all the hate and resentfulness they have shown for the Trump Family. Why_ Because he loves America, and the American people. Donald Trump does not need to enrich himself because he has been smart enough to make a honest living using his own talents at helping to build New York. Now they want you to vote for Machelle Obama which would give Obama another four years to finish the job of destroying this country. Wake up America. Trump wants no salary. He only wants to bring this country back from the damage caused by Bidon and his boss Obama. And the DEEP STATE.