Black Journalist CAN’T Define DEI For Donald Trump! w/ Ian Carroll


Donald Trump, perhaps surprisingly, accepted an invitation from the National Association of Black Journalists to appear at their annual convention and consented to an interview as well. He may be regretting the decision, with the hostile questioning he received about past comments he’s made as well as a tense back-and-forth with an interviewer over whether Kamala Harris is a “DEI hire.”


As a black man I was completely embarrassed by her behavior

That’s what’s so great about DEI. You can hire based on race and if anyone complains you can call them racist.


  1. DEI , Diversity offices and affirmative action are all law based institutionalized racism against whites and especially white males.

    Any black person who says “institutionalized racism will have a hard time explaining.

    there is no white privilege. only black privilege.

  2. It’s pretty obvious that the democrats are more concerned about race, gender and sexual preference than they are about merit.

  3. Actually this is not true. Everyone can define DEI. Just like everyone can define diversity offices and affirmative action.

    The problem is you can not define them without defining racism.

    What we are not supposed to say out loud is that affirmative action is racism. It has been law for 65 years. Diversity offices are racist and we have had them for 40 years. DEI is racist and we have had it for 30 years.

    All of them are discrinitory and racist. All of them oppress white males, Asian males and now increasingly white women.

    As a result the definition of each of these has become the same as the n word. You are not allowed to define them.

    The definition is the definition of black and hispanic privilege st the expense or all other regardless of merit.

  4. The definition of DEI, diversity offices, and affirmative action is simple. They are all institutional racism. They are all the hallmarks of black and hispanic privilege. They are discrimination.

    The definition is easy. Admitting the definition is very very difficult for black and hispanic people.

    If you admit the definition then every other discussion you have is based on your privilege and not your oppression. You have to start with your community is not thriving despite an unfair advantage. That leads you to the fact that blacks and Hispanics lack intelligences, motivation, creativity, and the ability to stick to a task.

    No black or hispanic person will do that.

  5. In 2003, Obama financially supported hundreds of millions of dollars be given to Stanford Univ. for HGDP, Human Genome Diversity Project, to prove, using DNA profiling, the migration of specifically blacks to America. I was stunned that the goal was to answer the question specifically for blacks regardless of any other race. After hundreds of millions annually for several years their final published conclusion (2020) was that it could not be proven. I asked a current sitting Senator, at what point in all those years did they arrive at that conclusion? Since I brought it to the Senate’s attention (2022), because of the enormous money spent to prove a theory that was determine unprovable, the information on Stanford’s HGDP website has been changed to not allow the conclusion available. This was enormous money annually for many years before concluding it could not prove if blacks were in the US before everyone else. The report made it sound like reparations research. The issue is they had access to the HGP DNA database from the University of Berkeley, but the website then said it was not associated with the HGP, hundreds of millions annually spent toward the HGP project, 1990 – 2002, as well by NIH, DOE, and DOD. What I would like to know is why spend hundreds of millions to research, instead of spending that hundreds of millions, on improving the living circumstances of all people? The money spent for this study, HGP, weaponized COVID, MonkeyPox, Bird Flu, HIV. There are 7 total viruses, I just can’t remember the other 3, that the HGP website stated it had a goal for military application. First it was Affirmative Action and now it is DEI. We need to spend our money smartly to lift people up and review all these studies that filter in government money.


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