Black Activists ERUPT On Black Democrats For BLOCKING Reparations After FOLDING TO Gavin Newsom



California would rather give illegal immigrants 150,000 for homes

I live in California, born and raised, voted Democrat for 25 years….what a clown i was. Trump 2024. Dems turn my state into shit.


  1. I believe the whole concept of reparations is dumb. nobody owes any black person anything just based on history. In fact blacks were selling blacks 5000 years ago. Somalia use to be the salve trading capital of the world back 5000 ago when India and the Arabic areas were buying slaves like crazy. Africans use to buy white slaves from the vikings. So my response to the whole slavery subject is: get over it.

    However, with the disgusting democrats handing out money to illegals like it is water we have a different issue. Black Americans need to start thinking about why they are voting democrat.

    1. We need to start talking about dramatically decreasing taxes.
    2. We need to start demanding that problems actually get solved or politicians go to prison.
    3. We need to start demanding CEO’s and board members be held accountable for the products their companies make. The Boeing executives for the last 30 years should probably all be in prison.
    4. We need to start calling people like kamala harris out for her lying and lack of honesty

    Black people in america need to start voting for republicans so that the democrat have to start being accountable for their actions.

  2. another VICTIM of his unGREATful SOCIETY. Thinking money is his problem. Voting and paying to be abused is stupidity, insanity, self destruction. Leave me out of it. Pay your own way, I’ll pay mine

  3. does any one understand the loyalty to the dope party? they are your friend untill you disagree with anything…..then they f$%k you.
    hilary was right stupidity is the contest with them, but she left out greed and selfishness

  4. The american Black population is finally waking up to the fact that the democrats have been playing them for fools for 100 years.

    Folks i have been telling you for a long long time. I know you are not dumb but really it took you long enough to figure it out.

  5. The people looking for reparations want money from people who didn’t even have anything to do with or wasn’t even involved with slavery. Huh?


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