Big Fani Willis FALLS Down Stairs After Wardrobe Malfunction As Nathan Wade Says ‘Proud’ of AFFAIR



Cheating on your partner is as American as Apple Pie…WTF??? This guy is devoid of scruples and morals.

Trump 2024!!!!!!!


    • black, female, has “D” behind her name? can’t touch her. Morons in Georgia in favor of paying taxes for vacations and sex? Ya’ll are nothing but pimps. won’t mention the “church” that supports her. GOD hates hypocrites

  1. His taste is just like her’s, green. Look’s like thing’s are going bad for our Baltimore Prosecutor that got in a bind taking out a government Chinese-Covid loan to buy 2 Florida vacation homes for rentals. Marilyn Mosby (D) was found guilty last month. The guy that went after her was the same guy that let Bribem off for stealing highly classified documents, even though he gave many to a ghost writer for $8,000,000. But being old and demented, he’d never make it thru a trial. “LOL”. Poor Marilyn, Hur stuck it to her! They say she’s trying to get a Presidential Pardon from Bribem, as she was only trying to get ahead. Maybe she should ask for work release, as long as she pay’s the loan on time? Last night, her ex-husband ran for re-election for his seat as “Head of Baltimore City Council”, but he lost! Poor Marilyn threw many people in jail, and her family is a long line of cops in Boston. I think she might beat Hunter to a Presidential Pardon if she’s lucky? You got to feel sorry for her. She wasn’t stealing classified documents and letting an invasion come down Pratt ST in Baltimore. Like other DEMS, her favorite color is green.

    • RED states and RED thinking people need to SEPARATE from this evil empire called Amerika. STOP paying to be abused (1776 & 1861). Free thyself

  2. Amazing how they find the most incompetent and dishonest blacks for these positions. Moseby is a Massachusetts Marxist, who hates white people.

    Fat Fani is incapable of putting a dress on properly, zippers in the front??

    WTF, you are dumber than dirt. Amazing what Nathan Wade did for money, having sex with that water buffalo woman.

    • I know who the idiot is in this equation, IT is the taxpaying slaves to the STATE in Amerika, that believes they are free, because their masters in gov’t. told them so….. no one is more pitiful than that

    • As for Georgia and other red states, the percentage of black people is a lot higher than in a lot of other states. Most black have one criteria for voting for a person. They have to be black. That’s it. They don’t have to be intelligent, have good policies, or possess integrity. Just black.

  3. WTH??? Trump has NO personal life, but this POS does??? He is a primate, unevolved. UGLY, parasite DEI material… a token. Leech on a woman’s a$$, a huge womans…. And maybe BIG Fanny is getting too much “Grey Goose” Vodka. She be puttin’ “it” out there,,, gag. Typical move. When you are backed into a corner, start with the loud talking, since it’s all you got.


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