Biden’s ‘Hometown’ Greets Him With TRUMP Signs As Protesters SCREAM Him Out of Event | ‘FJB!’



Anyone still voting Democrat is seriously disturbed

Out with Joe Biden! It's time to make AMERICA GREAT AGAIN!! TRUMP 2024!


  1. Joe Biden couldn’t draw a crowd because every time he opens his mouth a lie spews out! America is finally waking up to the horrendous mess he’s made of our one’s beautiful country.

    • biden, clinton and obama together can’t get a crowd equal to the impromptu crowd the cheered for trump in Harlem.

      Everyone hates the democrats

    • Actually Biden is also an embarrassment. Ones always in court & they other lies and can’t remember where he is or what he said.

    • you are such a sad little TDS case. compared to the entire biden/obama/soros administration trump is a shining light of greatness. now compared to my neighbors everyone in Washington DC and NY are freaking disgusting including trump and you.

    • Ut is people like you who I seriously doubt knows what is really going on or you don’t care. Either way your man isa delight to write about. He sh*t himself in front of the pope, can’t find his way off of a stage, is so far mentally incompetent that he can’t remember his lies, has ties to China and Russia with monetary restitution and compromise by foreign governments. He is just not a very nice person; just ask the women he has abused. Not to mention the children he has taken certain liberties with, like dragging his hand across a young girl while her mom was taking an oath of office, or the kids he allowed to rub the blond hair on his legs, by his own admission. Tell me Richard do you really approve someone who is a Pedophile? What does that say about you, sir?

  2. biden, clinton and obama together can’t get a crowd equal to the impromptu crowd the cheered for trump in Harlem.

    Everyone hates the democrats

  3. Anyone that still claims to be democrat is greatly disturbed. Do they not realize that Trump is in court because of the democrats and their corruptions. They are trying to jail Trump for Biden and his entire family are guilty of. Go figure, the damn hypocrisy. Everybody on the take and protecting the Bidens. I hope and pray after Trump is re-elected that he seeks revengance on all of them. “Vengence is mine sayth the Lord”. Pay back is hell, but revenge is a bitch.

  4. Who in their right mind would vote for Biden ? He is destroying America. Higher gas prices, Higher food prices, Letting in Millions of illegals, thousands of Chinese,Russians, Terrorists–robbing ,stealing,Raping, Killing American people and Biden does not want to stop it, Biden just wants to get their vote, thats why he is trying hard to get the right for illegals to vote. Paying off College for kids to get their vote, Its all Democrats way to BUY VOTES. Biden is destroying America,s Morals and voting laws

  5. Yep. Its a sad day in America . By the looks of what you wrote , it seems we’re like a third world country. I want our America back!🇺🇸


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