BACKFIRE: Black Voters BACKSTAB Obama For DEMANDING They Vote Kamala: ‘Shut The F**k Up Ya Dum Bich’



Obama, just get back in the closet, stay out of America’s politics. We’ve got this

Who else can’t wait to Vote Trump ?


  1. obama was never smart. he is just devious. he is the ultimate affirmative action hire and nothing more.

    The young black men that have been coming out of college over the last 15 years are so are actually educated and skilled. they know better then to listen to an affirmative action hire. That is why you see so many of them being more conservative.

    • It was part of the 16-year plan to destroy America. Obama – 8 years, then Hitlery the following 8 years. She wasn’t supposed to lose. A little change of plans with Trump in the WH in 2016 – 2020. It’s since been Obama’s 3rd term for the last 4 years. He was Biden’s shadow govt (puppeteer). Now it’s Obama’s 4th term for the remaining 4 years of the 16 years. He’s supposed to be Kamala’s shadow govt (puppeteer). The shadow govt.’s goal is One World Order by destroying America as we know it. Obama was hand-selected by Soros. They can’t let Trump win the WH and we can’t let Trump lose. He’s the only one to make America great again. Vote Trump/Vance 2024!!!

      • Agree 100% Obambam and his cow have been the Wizard behind the curtain for years. He hates sleepy Joe, but has controlled him from behind the scenes. Joey is a lifetime politician and has been jonesing to have the Oval Office from the very beginning. Any leech that desperate is easy to buy, easy to manipulate and control, …. just keep telling him how great he is… The A-hole actually bought it, while the deep state sold America to the third world. When they had no use for his wrinkled old ass, they kicked him to the curb, but by then, he was so demented , he had NO idea that they were getting ready to sink a knife in his back. Jill and Hunter had to use a cattle prod to keep him putting one foot in front of the other so they too, could keep their cushy life-style and hide from the law. It was a house of cards and now its burning, but we need to clean house….. The entire HOUSE… Washington DC… Get them out of there, including Barry, Adam, Nancy….. The REAL GOVERNORS of the USA.

  2. They need to get the Kenyan and put him in a cell for what he’s done running the country keeping the compromised Bribem and his VP Harris hog-tied and doing his dirty work destroying this country and making Bribem sign the Executive Orders. All 3 of them belong in Leavenworth. The Indian/Jamaican women know’s she doesn’t have the intelligence to catch those coconuts falling from the tree, or run this country. All we hear from her are lies.

    • Absolutely except the whole Demonrat party needs to be in jail with him since he was not supposed to be able to run, period, as the non-American he is and they allowed him to do so.


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