9 Ways Trump Is Identical To Hitler



You forgot how they’re both carbon based lifeforms.

“Both were called “Hitler” by the media.”— riveting.


  1. IF we believe ACTIONS speak louder than WORDS……..


    Ex: Watch Herr Biden’s State Of The Union speech again

  2. When people label Trump or anyone else a ‘Hitler’, you know they are Commies. Hitler has been the Communist ‘boogeyman’ since his rise to power in the 1930’s. Since then, every time the Commies want to deflect blame on their failed policies, they blame Hitler. By calling their political opponents ‘Hitler’, they are using that as a rallying cry for all Commies to unite against the ‘Boogeyman’. Notice that they never label their opponents as a ‘Stalin’ (who killed more of his own countrymen than Hitler). This is a standard Commie tactic — don’t fall for it.

    • Hitler had buildings where it was legal to kill people. KAM-unist Harris wants buildings where it is legal to kill people too. both are for gun control too

  3. I’m confused! The lefties call us Fascists and PRESIDENT TRUMP Hitler and then adopt Hitler’s Propaganda Minister Goebbel’s favorite tactics.

    “accuse the other side of that which you are guilty”-Joseph Goebbels

    “A lie told once remains a lie but a lie told a thousand times becomes the truth.”-Joseph Goebbels

    “Think of the press as a great keyboard on which the government can play.”-Joseph Goebbels

    “It is the absolute right of the State to supervise the formation of public opinion”-Joseph Goebbels

  4. He forgot that they both pee and poop. both visit doctors, both open and shut doors. both of security guards.

    Yup they are exactly the same person.

    Wait! ………… Kamala does all those things and she does have a mustache!! Oh no!…… kamala is Hitler too.

  5. We are learning very quickly, China Lover and fake Sgt-Major with 24 years in the Guard on weekends and 2-weeks each summer found the time to visit Bejeing 30 times and make all his guard meetings and retired after 34 years? Who marked those drills attended for him? And to be such a Hunter. Why couldn’t he load that personal “High Dollar” shotgun.
    I’m glad this “Elmer Fudd” wasn’t in an Airborne Unit in the RA (Real Army). He might have never figured how 5o pull his reserve.

  6. Only a moron would believe such a sadistic stupid statement that Trump is another Hitler. This moron doesnt even know how to pt his hat on the correct way and thats because he has no brians so it does not fit his head anymore.The only people who would vote for Harris,Wals will be idiots that want a communist country that are to stupid to know what they acutually voted for. Many young voters vote for Harris only because they dont like Trump or his attitude sometimes. Vote for what he has done in his first term and let him MAGA again and not lose our country to a small group of corrupt communists they call politicians.

  7. Hitler descends from Mayer Rothschild. He fancied himself an artist. He loved his cousin. He was afraid to lie down and go to sleep because of the Demons that came to him if he did. He admitted he was possessed before giving speeches, and that he had no memory of what he said when speaking before large crowds. He escaped to S. America and lived until the 1980s, and if the Dems don’t know that, then, they have no idea who Hitler is. Ike met with him in Argentina, and that is on record.

  8. Blaming the victim is a lie, but a lie of a special type. Normally lying is a distortion of the truth. This applies to transference in the general sense of the term: the qualities of the patient are shifted to the therapist. But when a perpetrator blames the victim, he does more than blame an innocent party. He blames the very party that is being directly harmed by his actions. Blaming the victim involves the perpetrator and victim exchanging places: the bad guy becomes a good guy and the good guy becomes a bad guy. This is more than a distortion of the truth; it is an inversion of it. It’s a big, big lie. The big lie is a term routinely attributed to Adolf Hitler. Supposedly Hitler used the term to describe Nazi propaganda. In his autobiography

  9. During World War I, Wilson created a propaganda ministry that became a forerunner to similar ministries created by Mussolini and Hitler. In terms of its outright bullying and intimidation of the press and the political opposition he faced, Jonah Goldberg writes that Wilson’s operation was more effective—by which he means ruthless—than Mussolini’s. Wilson’s goons even turned their venom against private citizens, encouraging children to spy on their parents and neighbors to spy on their fellow neighbors. They encouraged vigilantes to threaten and even beat up ideological nonconformists. In a phrase that could easily have been spoken by Hitler or Mussolini, Wilson insisted that “conformity wil lbe the only virtue and any man who refuses to conform will have to pay the penalty.” It’s hard to imagine a more illiberal sentiment than this. In line with it, the Wilson administration also instituted a widespread crackdown on civil liberties that would make the McCarthyism of the 1950s seem like child’s play; essentially any criticism of the government, even privately uttered to a friend, could send you to jail. And in fact tens of thousands of Americans were arrested and imprisoned under the notorious Palmer Raids. Goldberg writes, “More people were arrested or jailed in a few years under Wilson than under Mussolini during the entire 1920s.” Goldberg concludes that during World War I under Woodrow Wilson, “America became a fascist country.”17


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