1981 Mar-a-lago REAL ESTATE LISTING comes back to HAUNT Letitia James!!!



I’m disgusted by how many people cheer on what they know is excessive and absurd lawfare against Trump, a fellow American.

Trump has the right to appeal before you start seizing anything. And just because Trump’s name is on the building that doesn’t mean he owns it.


    • YES!!!!!!!! maxine waters, corrupt corrine brown got 21 felonies, went to a day care not a prison for a little while then they sent her home, scared she might get covid, DISGUSTING,,,, jesse jacksons daughter in law went to prison for stealing money, all these certain women are in”FAT”uated with PRESIDENT TRUMP,, why they all getting away with this?

  1. She is the epitome of stupidity, racism, lying POS. She is an ugly, disgusting, blubbery, fat-shaking worthless piece of rotting human flesh that needs to be taken completely down. The judge with her is the white equivalent of everything she is. They are both total crap eaters and twice as disgusting.

  2. This DA and judge,are the most liberal,radical,evil,people, I have ever seen.Both u have TDS so bad, that u should be investigated,and possibly committed for insanity.This incompetent,da witch,is totally out of line,she may have doomed gothic city, for good,no businesses will stay or come to NY.idiots u killed your city.

    • So right! Unbelievable how with no evidence of wrong doing they got this ruling…but then the judge and atty’s are all Democrats just like in all the other fraudulent suits filed by Biden and the other woke democrats!!

    • i hope businesses pack up and leave, they wanted sanctuary, well they got it, and they are so stupid, they are not thinking of the amount of money PRESDIENT TRUMP generates for new york, i hope he take every thing to FLORIDA and leave new york high and dry,

  3. Is she a diversity hire. Granted, I realize she was elected based on her Position of getting Trump. Take it as it may, a lot of cases are even worse than this.

  4. AG James is a total POS! She should be removed from her position and disbarred. President Donald J Trump will get the last laugh on the incompetent Judge and AG.

  5. Based on engoron and james new definiton of fraud engoron and james committed fraud.

    They claimed mara lago is worth 18 million in official court documents and then caused massive harm based on their own appraisal of the property.

    Trump caused no harm to anyone by telling the bank his opinion of the properties worth. further the assumption the loan was based strictly on trumps opinion and the interest rate set on that opinion is ridiculous.

    Banks do their own appraisal and interest rates are negotiated.

  6. S he is a PIG and should be FIRED She is obviously DEI, and vicious envious piece of trash. Remember one thing Leticia when you get fired the Jets can always use a linebacker.

  7. I think it comes down to jealousy. The Dems can’t stand his success represented by his opulent lifestyle. It makes them angry to see a Republican living so well, being so intelligent, and being against their party. No other man could continue their fight for rights with such persecution. The financial toll, the damaging slander, the interference in the 2024 Presidential election, it all adds up to a man staunchly defending America at any cost. What a man!!

  8. The only person committing fraud is Leticia James by undervalueing TRUMPs property and if she gets away with this then everybody in the United States is now guilty including crooked Joe Biden and the murdering Obama and crazy Clinton

  9. James is expected to be untruthful, it is part and parcel of the DEI, which is opposite of the merit system.
    That is why a criminal in Philadelphia that overdosed himself on fentanyl was made a saint, and the burning down of cities across America began! Because truth no longer has value! It is a sad day that the United States has come to this end!

  10. The judge problem is when he whose born the dr. Threw the kid a way and kept the after birth ok. The da problem is the dest part of her ran down her moms legs

  11. What I admire about President Trump is
    he, regardless of his wealth, has
    compassion for the working men and women in
    this country who made it what is is today.
    Just look around at the buildings in the
    cities, the roads you travel on, the food you
    eat, daily, etc. etc. These are the people
    he cares about and I get so angry when
    those, who have a little authority, try to
    destroy him and his family because they
    are so jealous of him and his accomplishments.
    Ask yourself; what has he done to any of
    these “hard nose” people who, daily, try
    to find one little misspoken word, one figure
    too many in his financial records. Try comparing
    his four years to what we are experiencing
    now and, just maybe, he will be appreciated
    and not ridiculed by the liberal press, daily.

  12. We are judging James’ unprofessional actions through the lens of normal, decent human interaction and discourse. If we looked through another portal, the view that Obama has for this country, James is doing the left’s part in sowing hate, distrust and chaos. Obama instructed the leftists to act in such a way that citizens lose trust in their government institutions, lose faith in the American value system and start to visualize what their country looks like when leaders praise evil, denounce truth and practice lies, deceipt and fraud. Many have the opinion that DEI works the same way- away with merit, assign preferences and sow division.

  13. is she jealous of trump owning Mar a lago
    does she want to own it herself as look at me
    for she can never afford it
    and what does she know about real estate market – nothing
    another fani

  14. In the Amewrican justis system you are innocent until proven guilty!!
    Then tyrump is innocent until the court say so.. He claims innocent then get the trial started so we can vote for an innocent man!!!

  15. That beast need to be a line backer for the Bears. She is a vicious, political hack and needs to be fired. Have they started looking into her finances yet? She is a sleazy pig. DEI on steroids.

  16. The fat cow is jealous of his wealth. She’s nothing but a token, a crooked black female amongst many in the democrap party. A vindictive bi.ch who sucks the public tit to make a living.

  17. In case you folks are not aware, “C” traitors have some hidden words.
    ‘Orange’ means being not Catholic! This is said by the Catholics, all of who are traitors.
    Remember the Irish “C” failures and the ‘green’ of St Paddies day. Well, Orange (protestant) is their enemy! This is why the Irish “C” failures, who are ‘green’, all invaded the USA..
    The phrase they like to use is ‘god before country’. This really means ‘ VATICAN before the USA’. This is TREASON. The word TRAITOR was carefully picked, and accurately so.
    The “C” traitors say that Trump the American patriot has ‘orange hair’. This means he is not one of their fellow “C” traitors. Hitlery has been in bed with the Catholics for 40 years. Hitler was Catholic, and see what he did for Germany.
    Remember NAFTA that Bill signed. When NAFTA was signed, money and jobs went straight to the VATICAN with a giant sucking sound, and the Clintons bank account just got bigger, and bigger, and bigger.
    Now, on to the next. In 1776 when the USA was formed, only 1 percent of the population was Catholic,

  18. no only did James lie but it is now clear she committed fraud based on her and engorons fake definition of fraud.

    Sounds like she needs to be fined 500 million dollars and go to prison.

    Any of you leftists out there disagree? you bought into her fake definition of fruad so you must want it applies now, Right?

    you know how you hate lying to you must want James to suffer for lying to the court, right?


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