You’ve Been LIED To About Donald Trump! Kid Rock Went On Tucker Carlson And Said This…



Im ashamed to say I didn’t vote for Trump either time, in fact I haven’t voted for a president in decades. After what I’ve seen the evil people I distrust do to him has told he wasn’t lying. I live in Appalachian mountains in Georgia and for me it’s Trump or no one, and im not alone.

God Bless Donald Trump, Kid Rock , Tucker Carlson . Prayers for all Patriots.


    • Did soros tell you to say that?

      You really are an arrogant fool aren’t you? well, yes, yes you are.

      now run off and get those 4 covid booster shots you are behind on and the two mRNA flu shots you are behind on. make sure and get your vaccine passport updated. you would not want to be booted off a transplant list would you? oh yeah wear your mask while you are driving to and from the vaccines too.

      leftists are all low IQ people and they will fall for anything.

    • sure because the democrats have not been a disaster over and over for the last 60 years. because obama could not get the economy off first base for 8 long years. while trump turned it around in less then 6 months. then Biden turned it back into crap in 5 months. because carter turned the economy into crap in 6 months and Reagan turned it around in 6 months. because clinton wrote the worse trade agreement for the USA in history and trump fixed 4 months after taking office.

      I think it is pretty clear that you have been drinking the democrat cool aid way way too long.

  1. I am very glad that Kid Rock and Tucker Carlson exposed the actual truth about Donald J. Trump. Those of you who still love America and the Jewish and Christian beliefs in what America Stands for should all unite and come together. As Stated, Donald J. Trump loves America and the American Citizens including always trying to bring back Manufacturing to put our people back to work as well as creating a positive direction for all of America. Several people in my opinion are a discredit to America. A perfect example is Taylor Swift, Her Mother and Her current Boyfriend. How can a screwed up person like Taylor support a Terrorist Organization like Hamas and the LGBTQ? That example is exactly how out of touch this vicious lady is all about!

  2. This is the Socialist, Marxist, Communist playbook. Doubters, go read it. Blame everyone but yourself, for the problems he created. Use the Media to push the narrative. Silence anyone that disagrees. Use DOJ, FBI, and others to attack the other party. Arrest those, even those that are innocent. Call it Democracy. Hide your own corruption with the help from those I mentioned. Call violence peaceful protests. Plant agents and others to push the false narrative. Then blame the other party. Overspend, leave the people confused. Teach kids to hate others. Indoctrination. Base color over merit. Racism. Then say that disagreeing is racism. Take away guns. Take away free speech. Yes, there was voter fraud. Voter registration forms have been found in bags thrown in isolated areas. Please note, under oath, UPS, have stated the driver was told to ignore. Can see observers leaving, then the voters pull out bags, and continue to count. Thousands of dead people were counted in every state. China is buying or getting land in every state. Viruses, like Covid, are being made in the United States. Dirty medical equipment has also been found in these places. Judicial watch has many requests for documents, and have been ignored. Some were given to prove this. Read the newsletters The Verdict and IMPRIMIS. NEWSMAX(Greg Kelly), The First News (JesseKelly) and (Bill O’Reilly). These are independent news. They do not have to lie like CNN, MSNBC, ABC, NBC, NPR,Washington Post, New York Times. Funding by Communist George Soros, and Climate Cult, Bill Gates. The WEF, WHO, CDC, NIH, public school boards, teachers unions have infiltrated the system. The World Order. These people are the Elites that think they are smarter than everyone. They have money. Unfortunately, that does not make them right. God is the answer. Pray in Jesus Name.

  3. Biden may be a great President but I see Obama presents all over this administration and there is little doubt that Biden will be reelected for 4 more though I don’t think Cackles will make the cut it seems Hillary will be the VP the first year or two then Hillary will be your President for at least 6 years we the people are screwed and deserve to be screwed for allowing this to happen

    • biden is not a great president. biden is probably the worst president in history. people like biden are the reason why Africa has never developed: poor corrupt leadership.

  4. Biden is not a great President he has neve done anything good, he3 cheated to get in the White House, he took money from our enemies and sold us out, now he’s paying back with our money for useless wars. Ukraine is not a sovereign nation I’m sure it’s blood money to hide his corruption! He favors Hamas, he is not really caring about eliminating them, Biden is corrupt as hell and Krackle is MIA for over 3 years, but watching her makes me sick so that’s a good thing

  5. Make America Great Again. In fact, Make America America Again! All this country is now is Nightmarica! We need President Trump Again in 2024!

  6. I am so glad to see and hear that people in places to make a difference and tell the truth about President Trump. We know the 2020 election was rigged, but it appears that too many rogue Republicans and definitely Demonrats will stop at nothing to do whatever they can to try and pull the best president we have ever had to a pit of hell. I feel so sorry for what the outcome of all this bias and ugly lies being told and done will soon be taken care of by God. He is already tired of the hate being spewed day in and day out. Thank you for what you do to keep the faith and to help diminish the lies.

  7. Be patient, the Lord will only allow so much before the scales fall off the eyes of the brainwashed zombies and the truth will prevail. I’m not a religious nut but have rushed through things only to make them worse. Patience is the key.

  8. Biden is just a puppet in the Communist, Radical, Socialist, Marxist plan. Look at schools and colleges. Democracy. The threat to Democracy. Homegrown terrorists. Domestic terrorists. They are talking about people that do not agree with their radical agenda. Those that believe in God, freedom, second amendment, freedom of speech. Work hard. These people run their pothole and nothing ever comes out good. Have not heard one good thing come out of Democrats mouth. Blame. Anything wrong is always Republicans or someone else’s fault. Biden signed the hundreds of bills. Allowing illegal immigration. Take the wall down.Overspending. No bail. Heck. A grandmother with a gun to protect herself, according to Biden, is more dangerous than a serial killer. Criminals are being let out of jail at the same time some criminals are pouring through the border. Our food supply is in trouble. China is buying our farmlands. Even found a Chinese Police Station in California. Our oil was sent to China. Thousands of emails between Joe, Hunter, and other countries. But, you can only hear that on The First News or NEWSMAX. IMPRIMIS and The Verdict newsletters. If this isn’t evidence enough, what is? Targeting kids. Drag shows at the White House. Pedophiles called just like children. So where are all the illegals going to work and live? Take American jobs. Shelves in stores are filled with food, clothes, and other things. American workers are overworked. Underpaid. So add a billion more people. How many more hours will people have to work? Is anyone actually talking about that? No. In the meantime, the DOJ, FBI are claiming the United States is more dangerous. Really. You think. Intentionally by Biden Wray, Garland. The Mainstream media is blind and with help from Soros, Gates, Schwab, and other elites, no wonder this is taking place. They hate America. They would rather have the United States like China, North Korea, Iran where people are like little robots. Dr. Fauci is another clown. Add the WHO, CDC, WEF. United Nations is another confused organization. I think, it’s time to Wake these people up. They are the threat to humanity. Screw Democracy. Bureaucrats and politicians we did not vote for. So keep their ideas out of our way of life. Period.


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