The control is being handed to children. Get your balls cut off when you are 12, your breasts, start hormone therapy, vote when you are 16. But murder your classmates they come out screeching that the brain is not fully developed until you are at least 25-30 …???? Make up your f’ing miind. Which is it. Morons get to run the country, but can’t be held accountable for horrific actions… The Left wing ass hole theories at their very best. And we wonder why the world is turning to shit.
Nut-jobs, insanity.
The control is being handed to children. Get your balls cut off when you are 12, your breasts, start hormone therapy, vote when you are 16. But murder your classmates they come out screeching that the brain is not fully developed until you are at least 25-30 …???? Make up your f’ing miind. Which is it. Morons get to run the country, but can’t be held accountable for horrific actions… The Left wing ass hole theories at their very best. And we wonder why the world is turning to shit.
Just look to “TRUE BLUE” Crispyfornia for some real, astute leadership.
Need to raise the voting age to 21, not lower it.