Whoopi Goldberg Loses It Over White PeopIe



Anyone still voting Democrat is seriously disturbed.

I'm tired of these Antiwhte media hosts! Who's with me? ‍♂️


  1. If she is so anti-white, why was she banging Ted Danson? He even wanted to propose to her, until his parents put a stop to his destroying his life and career. He made a good choice, and she is pissed off over it, to this very day. Poor old Mary Steenburgen gets Whoopee the cow’s sloppy seconds… BARF… Puke.

    • when I look at this creature, its true that Satan did created an ugly and bad mouth, she just spew her feces from her asshole, yikes. Ted Danson was drunk or blind and unconscious mind at that time.

  2. Disgusting c.u.n.t.s.! Only the ignorants more clueless than the view, in the whitehouse, and society is forcing communism, marxists, and socialism. “F” the DEI, it’s ridiculous and absured!

  3. She sure didn’t mind stealing some of my Intellectual property of 2 movies!!! Sister Act franchise is mine!!!

  4. What a racist,ignorant,dispicable,stupid human being, she makes me want to trrow up,every time I see them,on that stupid show.

  5. If the world bothers her, she needs to stay home and appreciate what she has since she used to be on welfare. So ungrateful. Africa probably would not want her there.

  6. So No one will answer my question. Being antisemitic towards Jews. What if your a Jew using the comments that a correct to the situation. Does that make me a raciest

  7. Boy I think all blacks have any problem with white people or this country should be sent back to Africa pure and simple they can live in a dirt Hut just like all their other people there do and they could become a warlord or a victim or a drug addict or a w**** that’s their choice this monkey looking lady would never get anything from anybody but a bullet or a machete


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