What JUST leaked out of Congress must be STOPPED NOW!



Politicians don’t become criminals, criminals become politicians.

Our Congress is responsible for the ups and downs of the stock market with their inside tradings!!! They are not just cheating, they are setting policy around buying and selling assets!


  1. All insider traders in the government need to be arrested just like any other American would be, just because they are in the govt. doesn’t mean they have the right to be doing this!!!!! Put them all in prison where they belong!!@!!

    • Isn’t it Congress that wrote the rules that if Average Joe is involved in insider trading, Average Joe goes to prison? Congress needs to play by the same rules that they passed. Penalties should be even higher for lawmakers breaking the law.

  2. Exactly. That’s why they are rich when they become congress members and never want to leave their posts. Prosecute them. Need terms limit now.

  3. Congress is NOT above the law! The Banking Act law, from the Tea Pot Dome scandal in the 30s act requires every elected official, in the US, to show their tax records, upon request. Nobody is exempt, and even POTUS is subject to this law.

  4. Make an example of the consequnces of insider trading by tying up ugly old drunk hag Pelosi and grap her down a gravel road behind a pickup truck for 10 miles. But the down side of that is it might actually improve her looks.

  5. Yup, that is now Johnson got super rich off the war he escalated. Jimmy carter did the buy stock, adjust police and give money to a company thing; as did clinton. clinton added the influence selling through contributions to his foundation. Obama made $85 million off his insider trading. Murray, Pelosi, Schumer, schiff, AOC, nedlar, Buttingay, Kerry, andGare are all making money off investing green energy and setting policies to make their investments grow.

    Every single democrat is corrupt as hell and sell out america every day for their own personal gain.


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