Welfare Queen Single Mother Brags About Abusing Food Stamps Tax Dollars To Buy Luxury Food & Makeup!



When I was a kid, it was a shame to be on welfare. Now it’s a badge of honor.

I’m a Pennsylvania tax-payer. Every one of my relatives and I are paying for this woman’s “privilege.” It’s disgusting. When I think how hard my son and his wife work to provide for their children, and then see this, it makes me physically ill. When I think about my other sons, unable to afford to buy a house, trying to save money, while having to pay exorbitant rent, and then see this, it enrages me! Doing the right thing nowadays makes you a CHUMP! Our GOVERNMENT has made CHUMPS of all of us!!!


  1. This has been happening since the 1970s. No real news here. Welfare’s purpose is NOT to help the poor. It’s to keep the poor poor so they’ll vote dummycrat for the next 100 years. Bitch can have her laugh for now, but the time will come when she’ll be burned alive but can’t mercifully die to end the pain where she’ll be spending eternity.

  2. Part of Bidens Goal, He wants to take away our guns, take away freedom of speech, make sure you have to rely on the government to live. Biden wants to be KING , so he can RULE over his Nation.

  3. I hear people always BITCHING about the money they pay when it comes to taxes and what and whom they support! SO yes, we take care of those in need! IT ONLY COSTS THE TAX PAYER $25. a year! (maybe a bit more with inflation) So…all that BITCHING for $2. a month!

    • $25 a year! You must have been exposed to common core math in school. Does this excuse for humanity appear to be in need? Apparently you don’t work or don’t pay taxes or BOTH!

  4. This is what democrats want everybody on the dole. I lost my job because of Covid and at 67 years old finding another one is almost nonexistent, and the hoops you have to jump through to even get food stamps is a nightmare. Guess this lazy tramp has all the time in the world since working doesn’t seem to be an option. This system needs to be fixed, now!

  5. I have NO SYMPATHY for these people who use and abuse the welfare system!! Cut them off when its discovered they are abusing the system! This broad is pathetic.. She needs to get off her lazy *** and go to work, do something constructive for a change. This system bleeds the hard-working, TAX-PAYING citizens and it needs to end!!

  6. Look at the out-of-control kids that are stealing cars, killing people, and every crime under the sun, then look at the mothers who raise them. 90% of the time they got 3,4, 5 kids and Mom spends the money on hair braids, nails, clothes two sizes too small, drugs and booze so she can drag in another man and another check. does anybody check when the kid commits a crime, NO!

  7. And this thievery is just a drop in the bucket compared to what the illegal invaders are stealing from the taxpayers, with your governments consent!


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