UNEARTHED Footage EXPOSES Democrat REVEALING CIVIL WAR Plot To Overthrow Trump If He WINS Election!



Jamie Ratskin has no business being an active member of congress.

Please get these folks arrested for treason.


  1. Democrats are very sick I think president Trump should call in the national guard to protect him and also to quell any rioters. It’s the Democrats who want to destroy this country. I pray to God that He is watching all that has been happening and to the USA and will put His foot down on all who disobey His commandments. God said go forth and multiply that does Not mean to abort babies. This woke ideology of the left is what is ruining this country. God made two genders: male and female all this stuff happening with the gay and lesbian well let me remind you of why He destroyed sodom and gamora. Democrats are catering to the woke people to get more votes also giving illegals the right to vote which in my opinion is not only illegal but treason as well. Guess you can tell who I’m voting for yes I’m a deplorable Trump loving female 72 years old seen a lot in my life but Democrats take the cake! Idiots and power hungry they want you as slaves. Oh geez didn’t we abolish slavery?
    I’m voting RED!! All the way TRUMP 2024 make America great again

  2. JAMIE RATSKIN just committed treason and is in-sighting insurrection.

    The man needs to be put on trial and then hung immediately.

  3. Raskin – nothing like suggesting violence and chaos. He is a total two-faced b—-. Republicans are only going to take so much before hell breaks out. You Democrats have promoted all this b.s. You and your members had TRUMP impeached twice; have set-up kangaroo court cases; Trump has been in more court cases than practically all the Republicans combined; you have had two assassination attempts on Trump’s life. It is quite clear. Democrats are continually making new laws in order to stop President Trump. I WILL FIGHT THIS TIME BECAUSE DEMOCRATS ARE CROOKS AND LIARS.

  4. Jamie Raskin, there is no way Trump loses a legitimate and fair election. The population of the country will not accept another theft of an election. The only principal a Democrat can be found to have is in their corruptly inflated bank accounts.


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