Tulsi Gabbard TORCHES Oprah On Maui Fires: ‘You Never Opened Your Massive Plantation for Victims’



Oprah. The best blue house paint saleswoman to ever live.

They was trying to steal those people's land for nothing


  1. Such a rotten shame that billionaires will turn their backs on people in desperate need. Oprah and “The Rock” asking others to donate money for this cause in Maui was a slap in the face especially since most of our country is being hurt by inflation because of Biden’s ignorant policies. It’s just horrible to see that these hardworking people, men women and children to have been burned alive. The devastation they endured is beyond belief. Something just doesn’t seem right that the people didn’t know there was a massive fire before being able to evacuate. My sincere condolences to the families of those killed. I have no respect for Oprah and The Rock for their selfish and irresponsible behavior towards others who are suffering from hardships due to high cost of living but are ask to contribute, what nerve they have to ask. How dare you. It’s nice to know you two can put your head down on your pillows and go to sleep while others are worried sick about their lives. I hope you get a good dose of karma to fix your ugly asses.

  2. Oprah has done the same to people in Santa Barbara, CA as well. Witches. Black magic. Sacrifice. Child trafficking. Adrenochrome. Oprah is 100% satanic. Make sure your roof is blue.

  3. oprah is like all other rich elitists democrats. the fake caring, fake concern and fake virtue all glossed over with fake racism. She is nothign more than the standard elitist liar.

    The truth is we shoudl take every rich leftist and confiscate all of their money then watch them change their BS tune.

    • Yes, let’s do a Robin Hood on Oprah and the Rock. These families should not have to move to the main land just to have affordable housing and a life. They should be able to stay in Maui and rebuild their homes. Take the money away from money being spent on the illegal invaders to our country and put a huge tax on Oprah’s mansions – all of them to help the original Maui residents who suffered.

  4. I think Hawaii should make a charge like condo’s and time shares do. when something happens they charge huge surge charges even though the condo or timeshare owners have been paying maintenance fees for ever.

    Charge all the hotels, business and mansion owners $20 dollars per sq ft of land and $200 per square foot of building (if they don’t pay seize the property). use that money to help the people who were burned out.


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