Trump DARES JUDGE to arrest him after NEW ORDER!



Judge Engoron should be disbarred

Leave Donald Trump Alone!!


  1. If Biden’s people didn’t know it was Easter, then why did Jill tell the kids they could not put a CROSS on their eggs when they were decorating the eggs.

    • It was an intentional attack on religious people.

      This is why even the blacks and Hispanics are leaving the democrats. Democrats are against anything that is normal and family oriented.

      the only thing Democrats support is the choice to be perverted.

  2. Mike has turned out to be a nicer guy than I thought he would be, but he’s too weak. Trump would be great, but he’s otherwise engaged. We need someone like Kari Lake. A fighter who doesn’t hold back and doesn’t puddle when faced with contentious opponents. Possibly with Jim Jordan?

    • exactly. Engoron, James, Braggs, Willis and wade are the main reaosn I am voting for trump. It is not just that each of those people is corrupt. It is also because the democrats and soros are so evil and criminal that they are paying people to attack trump in this manner.

      Each time i see a leftist claiming Trump is guilty it just reminds me how disgusting, evil, and dishonest every single leftist is.

    • What right have you to speak at all?

      Why do you think you have a right to have any opinion?

      You have less right to any public opinion then the prior president of the united states. so why did you ask that question? Perhaps you are just not very bright!

  3. Rapture — or Presence — The Greek word from which “presence” is translated is pa·rou·siʹa, formed from pa·raʹ (alongside) and ou·siʹa (being; derived from ei·miʹ, meaning “be”). Hence, pa·rou·siʹa means, literally, “being alongside,” that is, a “presence.” It is used 24 times in the Christian Greek Scriptures, frequently with regard to the presence of Christ in connection with his Messianic Kingdom.—Mt 24:3
    Since Jehovah’s resurrected Son Jesus Christ was granted ‘all authority in heaven and on the earth,’ and is “the exact representation of [God’s] very being,” it follows that he should also be able to be invisibly present in a similar manner. (Mt 28:18; Heb 1:2, 3) In this regard we may note that, even when on earth, Jesus Christ was able to effect healings of persons from a distance, just as though he were there personally present.—Mt 8:5-13; Joh 4:46-53. NOTE: The name given to Jesus translates as “Jehovah is salvation”. – It is impossible for Almighty Jehovah God to be physically present in our physical universe for His power is so great that He would burn our universe out of existence if He were to enter. This is probably why Satan thought he could take over this planet and rule it for eternity. The trust between Jesus and Jehovah (Jesus was Jehovah’s first creation long before the creative work on the physical universe was begun) is so great that, literally, all power has been put into the hands of Jesus until the issue of Satan is finally settled. That issue will continue AFTER the thousand year rule of Jesus during which our planet will be restored to its original perfection AND the resurrection will be done as well. At the end of that 1000 years, Satan will be released for a short while and then he will be put to death. If you have questions about any of this, please ask or email me with your doubts and/or questions. I can answer any question you may have and I use the Bible to answer such questions. REMEMBER; Adam was created perfect and he had everlasting life AS LONG AS HE OBEYED. That same rule will apply even to time indefinite. [email protected].

  4. Fuck Mike Johnson,what they need to do is put MTG and Johnson in a cage,1 on 1 and let MTG kick his ass.
    Secure the border should be #1 priority,period. For every migrant that is permitted to cross the border,one bar needs to be removed from the security fence at the White House and each member of congress that voted against the wall and secure borders!

  5. Don’t fool yourself,they’ll not do anything to Hunter,there’s no way unless trump’s able to start it back up,bc if hunter’s charged with anything,his ass clown dad(joke biden) will pardon him before he goes out of office. Hunter’s worst nightmare is America’s saving grace. The only chance of charging Hunter and it possibly sticking is if joke biden were to croak while in office. If he died in office,that by far would be the best thing joke biden has done for the American people since going in the White House. No doubt.

  6. Engoron, James, Bragg, willis, Wade and smith all need to be sent to a prison in Iran. Before they do they all need american flags and crosses tattooed on them. then we need to tell the Iranians we are only paying to feed them twice a week.


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