This document just ended Joe Biden’s presidency.



They’re doing this so he can’t be charged for anything involving Hunter

If a drunk driver kills someone and doesn’t remember the accident- they are still convicted.


  1. I do not know all of them, so I cannot say that. Everything I have seen from their politicians lately is in line with that thought though. “Lately” has a long history in my mind. The modern ideas of what America should be are not based in the liberty our founders and generations of Americans fought and died to protect. The Socialists and other anti-American political doctrines will be difficult to debate when none of the younger generations will even listen to a different idea that might threaten their world view. Authoritarian societies of the past have done the same things as if they are better than those they disdain (us). According to our founding documents we were all created equal. They think they are more “equal” than the rest of us. Their new claims for D,E,I are empty. Diversity is actually all Americans. Equity is not fair treatment. It chooses who gets favors and who does not. Inclusion is a strange concept. They hate the idea of including me or even joining with me and the others who think different. The mirage of a better society through Socialist doctrines does not lift everybody up. It drags everybody down except the elites. That is a worse fate than anybody deserves. Certainly Americans who inherited freedom and liberty deserve much better.

  2. I seriously doubt there will be any consequences for anybody in the Democrat party. They must be “more equal” than the rest of us.

  3. The real enemy of the american people,are the liberal,progressive,socialist,marxist,dumbocrap commie party.When people realize that,and vote these commies, out of office,america can be America again.What have the dumbocraps done for the people,well, they put us all in the poverty,barely able to make ends meet,how long are u going to let this continue? It’s always someone else’s fault.

  4. I agree with Joe. Your right they have put us in poverty and Bidumb can’t remember anything at all. He is stumbling around and never gets that he is President. So now that he can’t run again. Thank goodness for that part. Waiting to see what lame brains are going to project us into if Michael Obama runs. He/she won’t even come close to a vote.. People better remember what the Obama’s did after the big Party for his Birthday. “The Laws are for you and not for me. ” Perhaps Obama’s think we all forgot that there was Covid and they all need to dump their sewers like every one else. Their ladder part gets flushed out as well.

  5. Everyone needs to remember… If our wishes bear fruit, and Trump is Elected, it will not be quite enough unless ALL the Democrats running for office are defeated, otherwise everything will remain status-quo, and Trump will be (again) fighting an up-hill battle throughout his final term. THIS IS OUR LAST CHANCE TO SAVE AMERICA AND THE, “AMERICAN DREAM”…!

  6. This will be the last republican election, is the commie dumbocraps,would win,this would be the end of america, and our way of life.We can’t afford to have another election stolen, so we need to vote liberal,progressive,socialist,marxist commies from office, and vote Trump in,he is the only person that can save the USA,and we all need to get behind him, to sav e us all. That pathetic,racist,lying,frail,feeble,old,puppet,fool,walking,cadaver, has been told by his own DOJ, that he couldn’t be prosecuted, because he’s incompetent,can’t remember anything,joe needs to go, to a nursing home, not the white house. the end

  7. “This document just ended Joe Biden’s presidency.” You can’t mean that what has been going on for almost four LONG years is any kind of American presidency?

  8. A nation reguardless who they are will fall if they deviate from Gods Word. They’re two forces period, good and evil. The reason we are. In such a bad way right now is because those in power now are Satanist. Abortion, murdering innocent, adultery, suggesting there are more than one god, disobedience to parents, baring false witness, all apart of the Democrat party and if we do not rise up and put God back in our daily life and start repelling evil all around God will let that country to be destroyed. We start that process by putting true people in the right positions. now and giving God the glory, praise, and. Honor that He deserves. In the scriptures we are told that no one knows the hour or day that the Lord will return but we can discern the times. Most people are familiar with wars and rumors of wars, earth quakes in diverse places, famines and such but one I think most miss is found in 1Sr Corinthians 15:51-57 but more specifically verse 52. Go read it and you will see.

  9. “This document just ended Joe Biden’s presidency.” This is such garbage. After you read that the next thing you see is Sleepy Joe being walked to Air Force One by the female criminal of the Democratic Party Nancy Pelosi and of course Sleepy Joe trips going up the steps. Nothing wil ever happen to the Criminal Biden Family, because the entire GOVERNMENT is CRIMINAL.

  10. Hur says he is unfit to stand trial, so that would also mean he is unfit to be POTUS. Then Biden and his Admin. say he is fine, no problem, so he can stand going to trial then. Joe, you can’t have it both ways, either give up POTUS or stand trial.

  11. All of this is true but, what can you do because these democrat voters who are gullible lock stepping idiots. They vote how they’re told to vote and who to vote for if you want to keep your welfare check and all the goodies that go with it. They don’t realize they are bought and paid to stay on the plantation. Who has been responsible for “slavery” all along and they are so brainwashed they don’t understand there are still “on the plantations”. Now overeducated little snowflakes are the next ones to vote for democrats. BOUGHT AND PAID FOR!


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