The WORST Press Conference of ALL TIME!!!




If Biden “wins” another term, that’ll be the most depressing day in American history.


  1. WAKEUP AMERICA——-your Marxist Democrats are telling you Biden is healthy as a horse, just like they lie to our fellow Americans everyday literally every news report.

    VOTE Nov. 2024–takeback our country.

  2. Hidenbiden just proved to the world,that he is not mentally fit, for the job. He doesn’t know where he’s at half the time,can’t even finish a sentence,lies every time he opens his pie hole,no one believes a word this lying, senile,frail,old,puppet, utters,he is so full of it.He makes such a fool out of his self,and America,this clown show needs to end.Everyone knows hidenbiden, will never make it to the election,dumbocraps know they have to get rid of him,or suffer a landslide loss.He belongs in a nursing home,not the white house.pathetic

  3. The Demo. had Trump take a test for his mental fitness, so if Joe thinks he can run the country, PROVE it and take the same test Trump was forced to do.

  4. The proof that the ’20 election was stolen will be made positive when Biden wins re-election in ’24. There is literally not one human being on this planet with 2 brain cells to rub together who can point to anything that has been made better in the last 3 years. The very notion that ANYBODY will spend their vote on him is ludicrous.

    • I have five children and four grand children. I have four siblings with children. my wife has four siblings with children. I have 8 neighbors i hang around with. that’s about 50 people.

      In 2020 about 40 percent of them were pro biden and 20 percent anti trump. today 100% of them are voting for trump even if they have to write in his name.

      Biden, and tech democrats, have completely screwed up this country. Everything from inflation, the energy policy, their climate BS, the border, their gun stance, their censorship, law war fair, excluding people from ballots, their taxes, their insane wars everywhere, the constant racism, they constant cover ups, and their lying their lying has become insufferably constant bot form the democrats and their media friends.

      the current democrat fake border bill followed immediately by the their to imply not passing it was republicans holding the border open is just one of the thousands of examples of Democrats lying games.

      The democrats blaming abbott of the border problems rather then biden is another example.

      The democrats DA’s, Prosecutors, and judges being absolutely corrupt is another example.

      you can literally go on all day long with examples of the dmeocrats lying, cheating, stealing, and general corruption. The result is no one is voting for them. even the fairly hardcore leftists in my family are not voting democrats this time around.

      Maybe the democrats need to learn honesty.

    • I saw huge ballot stuffing in 2020 and reported it but nothing was done!! I mean two pick up trucks with empty beds pulled into shopping center i was at but when they left soon after both beds of the 2 pickups were full with ballots and there wasnt a voting location in that shopping center!!

  5. There will be no change with the election in 2024. Very little has been done to assure a free and fair election. Days of endless voting, no voter ID, millions of mail in ballots, millions of illegal votes and on & on. 98% of people in Congressional seats are Democrats regardless of their party affiliation. Our once great country is now a third world cesspool with no laws that are being enforced because that would be racist or some other horror. Corruption is totally rampant on all government agencies, the courts, this administration and very few even seem to care. Our country has been taken over by the America hating woke generation, no one held accountable for anything.

  6. In all my days I have never seem a president with so much baggage and such bad health mentally and people still think he’s a ball of fire. Maybe we should tell the democrats there is a very hot part of hell for liars. But I doubt they believe in hell since they are creating it.


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