The View’s Sunny Hostin JUSTFIES OJ Simpson’s Murders Because He “Killed White People”



The View needs to be gone.

Forget the black and white thing, the fact that he murdered his kids mother in cold blood shows how truly cruel and evil that man was


    • Looking at the statistics and researching many of the cases – the few black folks killed by the police went out of their way to orchestrate their own deaths! Besides, all the murdering black folks and other criminal atrocities do to each other makes the police look very tame.

  1. Here’s your real racist idoit. She be a good Niger for her master, Which are white. She just come right out and said it. She hates white people. So guessing she hates joy to. After all joy’s white. Or is she the other white meat ??? Yet ABC pays her to be this racist c#nt for far left Communist democrat party. The funny part is she looks white herself and betting she played on that from time to time to better her chances. We all do, I did, being a half breed … It works… some times. But to stand there and play the hate race card like she does … saids all you need to know about her. So all you whites who watch the view… remember your the enemy no matter what. All cause your white, go figure !!! Still think she and the other race haters are still ok ???

  2. This is the View’s token racist and hate monger. I can see now why she couldn’t cut it at being an attorney. She’s overpaid and underworked.

  3. hey!
    aint that dude WHITE!!
    isnt that dudes great great great grand daddy diddying in someone elses wood pile
    selling and trading Black folk like trading cards ??
    fuk that !!
    hey troop !!, wheres my reparations
    people should start showin up at that dudes house for their money
    reparations Now!!


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