The U.S. would LOSE a war with Iran and Yemen Fmr. U.S. Marine Scott Ritter | Redacted News



Israel owns America – wow someone said it out loud. Bravo.

An Iranian diplomat said, years ago, that the United States is a country capable of inflicting a great deal of pain; and the United States is also a country capable of suffering unimaginable pain.


  1. Scott Ritter is an idiot. Hamas puts people between themselves and Israel as human shields.
    Apparently, Scott Ritter & Hamas doesn’t know hostages and human shields are expendable.
    The fact that hostages and human shields are expendable came to light to me in the military, and then again when I became an enforcement officer for my state.
    Apparently, Scott Ritter has never served in the military nor state or federal government in any way.
    Why Scott Ritter would consider himself any kind of expert, to give an opinion, is beyond my ability to recognize.
    Scott Ritter, is just another libtard running its mouth!

  2. This guy is a former marine saying this shit? Notice the Marines didn’t have any problem with killing as many Japanese as possible and didn’t mind the Army or Navy or Air Corps joining in. Japan was carpet bombed with fire bombs, where is Scott’s criticism of that? I can’t say what the Marines think of people like Scott, but in the Army Scott would be a dud. And Vivek is right. But I will agree that having a stupid senile old poopypants craphead as commander in chief. He’s put a bunch of loser sissies in charge of our Military. No Pattons or MacArthurs or Nimitz or Halseys or LeMays running our military. We could get stuck in another Viet Nam type of war. If dumbass Jimmy Carter would’ve gone to war with Iran back in 1979 Iran would be an unhabitual dust bowl still glowing.


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