The TERRRIFYING theory for DRONE sightings near Trump golf course



It’s pretty sad when you can’t believe a single thing anybody in our government has to say! Freaking sad!

I think Mayorkas is a traitor.


  1. We had satellites that could read the letters on a dime, decades ago, and we can’t locate the twerps flying these toys??

    Come on Gayland, Wray and General Austin, DO YOUR JOBS!

    • Maybe drones will need to be registered. Can’t operate until you have a code that you get when you register it. It’s either that or drones will not be available to other than authorized officials. That’s what it will come down to because a few a**holes ruined it for everyone else.

  2. The first thing I thought of was Iran’s film about taking out President Trump at the golf course. Scary as heck. I thought there as a way to jamb these things? The tech is there, why aren’t they using it around our vases and President Trump’s home?

  3. And since when does the authorities share anything? And most likely they don’t care about what the public thinks! They are too busy setting up conservatives as white supremacists!

  4. Okay, everyone, take a deep breath and then calm down. If the drones are really threatening, they wouldn’t have navigation lights on. They are red on the left and green on the right, BTW, with a white light indicating the front and/or for landing purposes in the dark. Virtually all drones have a camera used for visual surveillance or navigation. Most also use GPS. If they are unlighted, they are virtually invisible on a dark night unless very close to the ground. You can hear them, of course, but sound is a very imprecise location method without sophisticated equipment. Even a small drone can be tracked with the right radar equipment. To the best of my knowledge, no civilian-use drones have, or are required to have, transponders for more precise radar identification.

    • And surely the navigation lights can’t be dismissed with the push of a button?

      And surely if they can be tracked by radar we know where they’re from and where all they’re going?

  5. Al, the invaders are so emboldened by the Chinese balloon fly-over , they don’t care if they are seen. They are giving us the finger. They know the senile bag of medical waste will take another nap and do nothing, and Word Salad is MIA, As citizens , we need to be made aware of what is going on . Everyone is going nuts over Vigilantes rising up and acting badly, but……….the other side of that coin? When your own law enforcement, leaders, mega corporations are f’ing you over, then what is the alternative? How do you think the French Revolution started. How did Rome fall? The people were fed up with being told to shut up and hand over more crops, money, whatever and then go ahead and do without… We are in a very precarious state and the “leadership” needs to wake the hell up and realize that once the “masses” are pissed enough, they don’t care what happens, they will come for the elites.

  6. Does anyone understand the meaning of ‘first-strike capability’? Do you understand SIGINT (Signals Intelligence)? That’s the interception and analysis of various forms of communications not detectable by satellites or other means. Digital mapping of sensitive infrastructure, communication centers, power grids, data centers, HVT (High Value Targets)? Have you ever wondered why the Communist Chinese have been buying up land, buildings, large warehouse facilities near strategic sites, including military bases all over the world? They have been doing this for the last twenty years — is there a reason for this? Have you seen the capabilities of what small drones can do when weaponized? Watch some YouTube videos of the Ukraine War and what HAMAS did to Israeli defense sites on 7Oct23. The ChiComs have their people literally all over the world for ostensibly for trade purposes — but they also have spies among them. What do they have planned? Imperial Japan planted their agents in all Western Pacific ports to gather intelligence on Allied forces prior to 7Dec41 for a reason. Are they prepping for something like that in the near future?


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