The Most DISHONEST News Reporting You’ll Ever See



Day of remembrance? How about a day of reckoning?

A crime against humanity


  1. Some people realized five years ago that the COVID pandemic was a grand scheme by Socialists to try and control a large portion of the population by using fear tactics and government control. This has been a common tactic throughout history by the power elite. They threw it (COVID mandates) up against the wall to see what would stick and what wouldn’t. The first clue that this was a ruse was that they demonized anyone who questioned their mandates and their authority. People got fired or dismissed from the military for not following ‘the rules’. Secondly, they hid information that questioned or countered the ‘official line’ about COVID. The media was also complicit by filtering independent information and keeping the public in fear by hysterical reporting and false narratives.

  2. My best friend’s husband worked for the Corner’s office. I will not mention the location. Everyone who worked there had been at the location for countless years. My friend’s husband decided to stay for 35 years before retiring. The Covid Crap hit about 5 years before his 35-year retirement decision. Management dictated that a high percentage CAUSE OF DEATHS would be listed as COVID. Of course, the people performing the autopsies list the actual cause of death. Needless to say, all the people performing the autopsies were told to retire or be fired. This was early on during that era, and many of us knew why there were expectations of lies. The reason is that the Coroner’s office received federal funding for reporting every COVID-19 death.

  3. a governor lose his job, NOT for killing thousands by sending them back to the nursing home, BUTT for touching women on the butt and other places. what mad question? Amerika (socialist) has lost it’s mind & soul. The new unCivil War will fix this all. The stupid & weak will die, in mass.


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