New Sheriff in town. The old way of doing business with America is done. For too long, America has been the ‘sugar daddy’ for Europe (both World Wars, The Marshall Plan, the Cold War, etc.). We can no longer afford to spend our money on their security. They have to help bear the cost of their defense. We can help them, but we need some benefit in return. Trump is a businessman first — the ‘something for nothing’ doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s a two-way street now. No more expecting ‘daddy’ to pay for everything. Time to grow up and pay your own way.
New Sheriff in town. The old way of doing business with America is done. For too long, America has been the ‘sugar daddy’ for Europe (both World Wars, The Marshall Plan, the Cold War, etc.). We can no longer afford to spend our money on their security. They have to help bear the cost of their defense. We can help them, but we need some benefit in return. Trump is a businessman first — the ‘something for nothing’ doesn’t cut it anymore. It’s a two-way street now. No more expecting ‘daddy’ to pay for everything. Time to grow up and pay your own way.