The BEST Trump Endorsement Ever In Public!!! WOW



The best endorsement of Trump is Joe Biden.

They need to make Marjorie Taylor Greene speaker of the house at least she speaks up for America she is not a wimp


    • Actually, they’re everywhere in the whole government. They’re just crooked politicians in it for themselves except for perhaps 5%.

    • You are darn right!!!!! It seems to me that the Constitution is no longer in style. They are just making it up as they go along.

  1. Why should taxpayers fund illegal invaders? and then have your government steal even more of your money to put the law breakers in the lap of luxury!
    And why are everyone else in the republican party standing around and allowing this shit, defund, defund, defund!

    • This administration under Barry Soeterro is trying the best to collapse “WE THE PEOPLE”. They want to get rid of the middle class. Our job is to see they don’t. We need to charge them for trying to destroy our country and give them a dose of their own medicine. Put them in prison. Some are worthy of the supreme penalty, as they have done treasonous acts. Time to put the shoe on the other foot! How dare traitor Michael Steele attempt to get President Trumps medical records because “Steele” questions that he was really shot! Steele, you were a worthless pos when you were Lt Governor!

  2. I hope someone in Washington had common sense. This is what Democrats want – division and they maintain power. While these idiots in Washington are playing games, our enemies will blow us to kingdom come.

    • So you are saying if we got rid of all the Democratisch Party, we wouldn’t be divided! So we need to get rid of them. Start with the Kenyan and Soros clan.


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