Supreme Court Deals CRUSHING BLOW to Biden as Fani Willis Gets BRUTAL News!!!



Democrats for jail!

Fani belongs in prison


  1. Fat Fani, her entire staff, and wade need to not only go to prison but be forced to pay all of the defendants legal costs and damages personally.

  2. At age 86, I thought I undeestood the justicial system as I have observed and
    studied it. During 36 years as an Economic
    professor I even suggested to my students
    that the Founding Father’s created the
    most efficient and effective judicial system
    in human history. Since the arrival of
    Clinton, Obama, and Biden, ONE OF THE
    How many crimes does a Democrat DA
    like Fani Willis get to commit before
    being removed, charged, convicted, disbarred, or imprisoned? I see, only
    Republicans and Conservatives are charged
    with such crimes, democrats enjoy immunity. Where is that in the CONSTITUTION ?

    • Hi Richard!! I too was a econo professor.

      Silly question. how tried of teaching regression analysis did you get?

      wish you super high beta’s to you and your well being.

  3. Gee, all the spitting on just a small group of people!! What about the person who is charged?? He is innocent until proven guilty!! Lets get the trial on and over with so his good name is CLEARED!! That is so important. then people will vote for a good person of his word…

    • the fact is that the corruption and criminal activity engaged in by willis and wade are part of the trial. they prove that the charges are suspect to start with and the interpretations of the law were likely to reach to bar of arbitrary enforcement of law.

      I.e. a witch hunt

    • No Trial. FW and her boy toy both need to be charged with malfeasance and lies to the court. Our rapid slide towards 3rd world justice is disconcerting. Anyone could connect the fact that Trump’s Lawfare problems are all being pushed by AGs and DAs from deep blue cities.

  4. What the hell is wrong with the democrats fighting this decision. Are they saying we Americans don’t matter even tho we vote them in office. Are illegals now more important then true Americans. Does Biden and the party running the country in his name really feel this way. Don’t they care that the illegals are murdering Americans. These are the things you better ask yourselves befor voting them back in office where they will only go against any of our cares. Only what the far left Communist democrat party wants is what will happen. They don’t even try to hide their corruption anymore cause they got a 2 tier justice system in play where only they are above our laws. Look no farther then the Clinton’s and bidens to see that. Are we going to let the far left Communist democrat party kill destroy our country for the money their stuffing in their pockets. Don’t wait to long to figure that out , we’re running out of time and the democrats are doing everything they can to stop the only one trying to save us and the country. Your choice now, are you part of the solution, or part of the problem !!!

  5. This “Crushing Blow” claim, if you watch the video, is just talking about the judges decision that Wade or Fani had to withdraw – that decision can be appealed. A crushing blow would be Fani and her entire staff had to withdraw or …that the case had been thrown out. The hype of a “crushing blow” is nonsense. I wish Liberty News would acting like the left wings nuts

  6. Paganization; More people today are beginning to understand religion as practiced in the Roman church AND in the churches of her daughters of which there are some 41,000 different sects and divisions among them. Divisions are noted in the Bible as works of the flesh and NOT of the spirit of Almighty Jehovah God (Psalms 83:18). I was raised as a catholic, went to a catholic school/church and served as an altar boy for years. The catholic church was responsible for the Paganization of the Bible. They deliberately chose pagan teachings from old Babylon to appeal to more pagans so that those pagans would join the ‘new’ religion of Christianity. But the Truth is NOT a religion; it is a way of life that teaches you how to walk in the footsteps of Jesus, the son of God who was sent to the earth to guide us to the promise in the Bible about eternal life here, on the earth. REMEMBER THIS; Adam was created perfect and lost that perfection by disobedience. We will regain that lost perfection by being obedient to Jesus NOW as the end of this system of things draws near. PLEASE NOTE; Almighty God created the earth to exist forever AS OUR HOME. He is rightly called Almighty because He controls ALL power and His Will will be done in ALL things. If you have questions about this, I have the answers; [email protected]. If you would like to study the Bible I can direct you to a source for a home Bible study. Please request the directions for the FREE Bible study via email.

  7. Ever considered that the deaf and hard of hearing can’t “read” what is being said in your site? I’ve had enough! Don’t bother sending me any more on my email.


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