Squatters Move Into NYC Mansion… Refuse To Leave



NYC is totally screwed. The Big Apple is a rotten core.

these laws are baffling…so lemme get this right…… I’m from Nigeria, economy is struggling rn, i need a better place to move to…i get on a boat for little cash, get to the southern boarder, get into nyc, get a free credit card filled with money for me to use paid by the nyc tax payers FOR FREE…if i don’t like things i can protest…if i don’t have a home i can break into a home and claim i’ve lived there and nothing will happen, then i can sublet the apartment to others for less than usual and make free money, if i don’t have money, i can steal from a store as long as it doesn’t surpass 1000USD, then move from store to store to reset the limit, get free products, then sell at a lower cost FOR 100% PROFIT….all while law abiding americans pay for me and suffer on my behalf………………this needs to be broadcasted throughout the world so everyone can go there and enjoy this benefit cuz this is madness, there is a fine line between generosity and foolishness lmao. why law abiding newyorkers are still abiding by the laws is beyond me


  1. give them directions to bidens, obamas, nancys, maxines swifts and all others who have numerous mansions not being used,
    they wanted them so now house them in your mansions

  2. The landlords should stop paying their taxes for the building. I know they would lose the property but they’re not getting paid for their apartments and it’s cost them for property damage, taxes, and no one wanting to live in the apartments with squatters. NYC once a great city is a shit hole that to Mayor dummy.

  3. All illegal invaders should go to deep blue cities and states, everything is free for the taking and all the ignorant democrats will just watch you take it, tape it on their cellphones and put it on tik tok!

  4. I will never understand why people keep voting for Democrats who keep destroying their lives and costing them money. It doesn’t hurt the politicians because they have money and security and it’s very apparent that they don’t care about the people they are representing and claim to care about which is their biggest lie. I hope people wake up before it personally affects their family. Too many people are fighting for their property, trying to feed their families, and praying they don’t lose a family member at the hands of one of the illegals they keep allowing into our country. People need to wake up and see how dangerous the Democratic Party has become and I hope it doesn’t take the loss of a loved one to open your eyes to the danger the policies they are allowing and the lack of enforcing our laws has done to this country.

  5. Sorry folks but New York voted the traitors and anti American fools in to office. They are now getting just what they wanted, a shit house.

  6. The problem is we have A Gov, that does not want to do anything to protect the American People. As you can see the Democrats are destroying this nation. DONT VOTE FOR ANY DEMOCRAT.

  7. This is the best news I’ve heard in a long while. The idiot voters of NYC are getting EXACTLY what they deserve…..and if any victims did not vote for the current “regime”, they are still deserving of grief because they put up with the nonsense, pay exhorbitant taxes, and wallow in the pig sty they allowed to develop. No pity here……you reap what you sow.

  8. Buss all immigrants out of NYC to Joe Biden’s neighborhood or just transport them to the election polling places and let them wait there until Alfred E. Newman wins the election and sends them back to the Coco-mo.

  9. can’t evict them so the building is useless. lock all the doors and make a gas leak happen.

    I bet they evict them for governemtn buildings.

  10. I just found out Cortez won over another democrat who was running against her in the primary in New York. Who the hell would vote for this airhead who has done absolutely nothing for her district? Was it rigged for her to win? Or do these people have shit for brains? Cortez has been a loud mouth lying twit and seeing how she struts around saying and doing what she pleases, caused Amazon to not open in NewYork and many of those jobs were lost because of her. And now she won the primary. I hope whoever the Republican is running against her will beat the lying bitch’s ass! Cortez is making huge money and only being in congress for a short time. What does that tell you.

  11. Cure the problem. First burn the governor’s mansion to the ground with him in it. Then do the same with the mansion. I’ll bet the squatters stop doing this. Any one for a baked ILLEGAL’s lunch? When done lock-n-load.


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