The liberal media won’t put this out about Biden and his daughter so everyone can see what kind of disgusting behavior he has. Many people have seen Biden’s actions around children and women smelling their hair and making remarks that are not appropriate. Why doesn’t someone put him in his place? Is it because he’s the president? That doesn’t matter if he’s the president or the pope, he shouldn’t have that right to get away with it. Biden wouldn’t do that to my kid, he would be coughing up his balls!
Maybe he was okay with bringing those 30 year-old men here with 10 year-old wives from Afghanistan, after the surrender? They brought back over 100,000 illegals (supposedly those that helped our troops). Only 3% of those he brought over here on AF C-17’s had worked for us! Just another sham-job to expend our funds on illegals, courtesy the “Liar n Thief”. He gave away the greatest listening post we’ve ever had, “Bagram”, along with $85 BILLION of military hardware and weaponry. Why hasn’t someone paid? This cad want’s to do nothing but sniff hair, buy votes and shake hands with ghosts. Not even qualified to go to prison for illegal handling and theft of “highly classified documents”. But he can put Trump in courtrooms all over the country to try to keep him from getting back in the Oval Office. The wrong guy’s in the court room circuit!
That was my first question too! She goes around with “Dr” in front of her name. That degree is a 10 month program you can do on your own, both my son and wife could get that degree. If they did as so many others, they do not adopt that title that most compare to people with 8 grueling years of college, 3-5 years residency, and then more depending on the specialty. I call them Dr., I call her a sloppy blonde with poor choice of men. And…..maybe she is in on it, screwing up your daughters life for life.
Who says Joe Biden does not like little girls. He was a pedophile with his own daughter!
It doesn’t look good . . . by ANY accounts! He needs to be held accountable.
The liberal media won’t put this out about Biden and his daughter so everyone can see what kind of disgusting behavior he has. Many people have seen Biden’s actions around children and women smelling their hair and making remarks that are not appropriate. Why doesn’t someone put him in his place? Is it because he’s the president? That doesn’t matter if he’s the president or the pope, he shouldn’t have that right to get away with it. Biden wouldn’t do that to my kid, he would be coughing up his balls!
Maybe he was okay with bringing those 30 year-old men here with 10 year-old wives from Afghanistan, after the surrender? They brought back over 100,000 illegals (supposedly those that helped our troops). Only 3% of those he brought over here on AF C-17’s had worked for us! Just another sham-job to expend our funds on illegals, courtesy the “Liar n Thief”. He gave away the greatest listening post we’ve ever had, “Bagram”, along with $85 BILLION of military hardware and weaponry. Why hasn’t someone paid? This cad want’s to do nothing but sniff hair, buy votes and shake hands with ghosts. Not even qualified to go to prison for illegal handling and theft of “highly classified documents”. But he can put Trump in courtrooms all over the country to try to keep him from getting back in the Oval Office. The wrong guy’s in the court room circuit!
Joe biden, like all democrats, is a pedophilia. he is so bad that he has showers with is teenage and adult duaghter. that is just plain perverted.
i wonder where on the public schools sexual choice alphabet chart dad daughter sex goes?
And where was Jill??????????????????? And she’s supposed to be an “educator.” Disgusting family.
That was my first question too! She goes around with “Dr” in front of her name. That degree is a 10 month program you can do on your own, both my son and wife could get that degree. If they did as so many others, they do not adopt that title that most compare to people with 8 grueling years of college, 3-5 years residency, and then more depending on the specialty. I call them Dr., I call her a sloppy blonde with poor choice of men. And…..maybe she is in on it, screwing up your daughters life for life.