RINO Lindsey Graham’s SHOCKING Remarks on Zelenskyy – Trump FIGHT…..



*Hello All!!! Lindsey Graham IMO is one of the most distasteful Repu8blicans in DC but he actually played for the HOME team today!!!*

He is going where the winds blows….


  1. Trump exposed his vulnerability over and above his catch phrase “young people being killed, millions dying” Bull shit. His goal is not to save Ukraine, or Israel, or Taiwan, or S. Korea. Or give a flying fk about those who are dead and will die. His goal is to be worshipped and deigned king of the globe. His EGO got the better of him and the bloat-face JDV, wingman, reverted to pack mentality. V Zelinsky maybe needed to be taken down several notches, but not IN PUBLIC, for christ’s sake. They exposed themselves to questioning as to whom they are in bed with and maybe Putin, Saudi Arabia are the answers. NEVER SHOUD HAVE DONE THAT. Now the Left wing has a whole pile of ammo to discredit them,,,, they forgot about the Mid terms?? This was the dumbest, most embarrassing ass-hole move they could have made. They took the bait. Now instead of their claim to prevent WW -III they have sucked the UK and other European countries into with their pledges to back Ukraine. I feel more at risk, now with the rest of Europe supporting VZ.. STUPID STUPID, STUPID misstep. They just shit in their own stew. Now they have to figure out how to serve it up to America as something tasty. They are ? not what they want us to think. The Achilles Heel of these 2 juvenile bullies is their EGO. EGO, EGO, EGO, EGO. Self serving, malignant narcissists. Ring a bell? It should. It was a warning 4 years ago. And,,, YES, I voted for them and now I have to wonder WTF? It wasn’t for the best choice, it was for the lesser of 2 evils. In any case, many, many people will lose and many more will have a change of heart over this fking three ring CIRCUS…. good gawd. WTF was DJT thinking? Or not. His childish taunting, over how VZ was dressed, his childish need to dominate and insult, rule him. NOT HIS LOVE FOR AMERICA. He needs to rethink a whole helluva’ lot. As do those of us who came over from the middle or the other side. This is not acceptable to be carried out in the public arena. SHAME on them.


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