I don’t want to sleep on the street in a cardboard box! This is why I am voting for Trump in 2024!

Any self respecting dem should be furious about how Kamala was coronated. I can’t imagine this situation would be tolerated with republicans or libertarians


  1. This is to the Guy who sleeps in a Cardboard box under the freeway. Sorry to say you belong there for the simple reason that you are DEAF AND DUMB. Because you Kamala says she is creating 3 million housing units, will be directly helping people like you to afford a decent living off the streets. But you prefer HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY who is stealing your money to build golf courses for himself and his BILLIONAIRE friends who are ripping off our nation’s wealth by evading paying taxes, and getting away with if we allow the convict HUMPTY DUMPTY TRUMPTY TO SIT ON THE THRONE AND rip us off.

    • Do you know how stupid your comment is?

      Kamala is not going to build 3 million housing units. We are 38 trillion in debt. we do not have money. of the taxes collected 100% is already attached to paying government employees, pensions, SSN Welfare, illegal alien benefits, and military.

      Further you are embracing human storage units. Are they going to have those little roll up doors with a padlock on the outside too?

      You know people in big cities are already living in 400 – 600 sq ft apartments right? those people are working!

      Further if there were money you would be far better off giving building contractors and materials suppliers tax incentives to build concrete mini apartments (400 sq ft) to meet whatever need you think there is. Concrete so it does not get destroyed by the drug addicts, alcoholics, and gang members so quickly. further they would need to put police stations at the bottom of every building to reduce gang violence as the governemnt housing of the past has suffered from.

      Elias there is a better answer then wasting money on building storage housing for the homeless.

      1. build a good economy like trump did.
      2. incentive’s for USA manufacturing investment.
      3. build long term rehab, medical, and training facilities that are basically prisons so the homeless have to stay and drugs have a harder time getting in.
      4. close the border to reduce competition for low end jobs.
      5. Build limits on executive pay by having a progressive tax after 2 million per years for everyone except the actual 51% plus share holders of a company. If you owner you get paid whatever you can make. If you don’t own it your a employee no matter how much of a big shot you think you are.
      6. use every energy source possible with huge taxes incentives for increasing efficiency and pollution reduction.
      7. stop giving out any student loans for anyone getting a degree that is not directly transferable into a living wage job.
      8. start giving out student loans and grants for trades training.
      9. create a grant and loan program to start new manufacturing businesses.
      10. make all new manufacturing businesses regulation free for 10 years.

      Build a comprehensive approach the lifts everyone. That is what trump wanted to do and did do.

      Do this you you will not need the government to build human storage units.

  2. Elias u must be an dummycrap, u would vote for a marxist, harris and a communist walz, shows how ignorant most dummycraps are, u can’t fix stupid this way.

  3. Trump has already proven that his polices help the economy.

    Democrats have already proven their polices hurt.

    The democrats obama / Biden paid for the development of covid 19 then lied about it throughout the covid pandemic.
    The democrats caused 25% inflation and lied about it right up to today.
    the democrats said they woudl not raise taxes and then raised taxes 13%
    We have had 405 cost of living increase under the democrat leadership. it has destroyed 65% of the Americans financial futures.
    At the same time the democrats have an open border and are giving massive amounts of money to illegal aliens. this is further destroying our economy.

    Harris, specifically, has proven she is a worthless airhead who laughs about everything and has no mental acuity. Walz can not open his mouth without lying. Walz is a person you would not want living in your neighborhood and you all know it.

    I want a Democrat to explain, in detail, why they would vote for the democrats? Don’t say because of trump; because trump has done nothing bad to you at all.


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