Politico Says Democrats Were TRICKED Into Thinking Biden Economy Was GOOD



And who tricked them Politico, hmmm? Who was the willing mouthpiece of the Democratic party?

How were they tricked? Did they not pay attention to rising prices of virtually everything the last 5 years??


    • I have to fully agree with you. If you believed the economy was good under Biden then they should not be involved in politics at all.

      • guess “they” will blame Obiden for being dis-honest too? NO, you have done that ALL BY YOURSELF. and then scream at us when we don’t believe you? yeah, very stupid. keep drinking the liberal kool-aid…. IT or I will kill you someday

  1. You can fool some of the people all of the time, and all of the people some of the time, and all of the fools are on democrat time? Wait… some of the people, all of the people, democrat fools…yeah…or is it? Hhmmm. I can almost see how easily they were duped.

  2. Your average Democrat voter IS stupid. That’s why Vladimir Lenin mockingly called them ‘useful idiots’. Big media played a pivotal role in perpetuating the scam by ignoring FJB’s obvious mental decline and never questioning or demanding answers from the White House on his mental condition and absenteeism. Big media is nothing more than the propaganda arm of the DNC. That’s why people don’t trust them anymore — except the ‘useful idiots’.

  3. People with strong bias are easily “tricked” when the trick reaffirms their bias……and they will completely reject any source or opinion that challenges their bias, to avoid faing the possibility that they may be wrong.

    • their nominee was chosen by nutty Nancy, Chucky, barry boy obama. They didn’t get to vote in Chicago. The rich elite did, behind a racist fence, to keep the “little guy” OUT. Hitlery Rotten Clinton stole their money & the DNC in 2016, lost. WE both got screwed in 2020. Then Camela billed you for $1.2 billion, to make millionaires RICHER? Stupid is to nice a word for total INCOMPETENCE. IDIOTS BAFFONS (& baboons)

  4. Oh baloney! The dems knew fully,well what was going on. Don’t let them fool you. You could tell just by listening to Janet Yellen t hat she wasn’t telling the truth about our economy.

  5. K. Harris spent $1.5 billion plus bribing celebrities to endorse her. Bribery and corruption have become so common place that we are unable to explain how US AID could have legitimately spent hundreds of billions of dollars as they did. The bribes and pay-offs were so common that people lived off the money like it would never stop. The Illegals were getting $2 Trillion dollars/year. Free housing, free food, free devices, free cars/trucks, free education, free medical/dental, free toys, free clothes, free coffee twice a day, etc., etc., etc.

  6. and to quote LBJ “the N1663RS will be voting demon-rat for the next 200 years”. The smart ones are starting to leave, only 61 years in


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