Orange Biden Makes Final Humiliation Surrender To Trump in Slurring Oval Office Speech,Trump WATCHES


Joe Biden gave his surrender speech last night. Donald Trump even tuned in — glorious


This is ridiculous. What a joke the entire democratic party is.

Who else can’t wait to Vote Trump ?


  1. dis-honest Abe abused the constitution, gave statehood twice, W/O the necessary credentials, closed over 100 newspapers that were printing the truth about him. Had 660 000 citizens murdered, the rest enslaved, and numerous “widows & orphans” were starved to death, as a Christmas present, from Willy Tecumseh Sherman. Then those caring and loving yankees were out west to do the same to the Plains Indians (in a peaceful way of course) (bullet to the head, no suffering). He has to say things twice, to be just like Jesus. Jesus cannot lie. Obiden cannot tell the truth.

  2. She wants to earn your votes ??? By doing what???Only about 4 mos
    to go? Going to do something now?? Claims her assignment of the
    border did not exist?? DUH !!! Her answer to have you been to the
    border was she hasn’t been to Europe yet either???? We don’t need
    salads and giggles ….takes more than that. She has just inherited
    all this Biden $$ plus maybe the other 91 million!!!! Totally
    undeserving. What did she do to reap that?? Nothing. The democrats
    are gushing over her…why with her track record of nothing? Things will
    be the same as the old guard we have had will mostly remain causing
    so many problems they will stay???? We will still have a gov’t out of
    control and she will laugh it off. Also on the border as just came out
    because of an executive order in June things according to reports have
    improved??? Why was this done in June and not way before that???
    Simple its election time and better show something to get some
    points!!!! Things like this are insulting to us…typical of the left to try
    and pull off!!! There are things going on now by the democrats that
    will be shocking. We can not allow the democrats to take the election
    and destroy us……use your vote with caution we have to much riding
    on the outcome……remember they can fool some of the people some
    of the time but NOT all the people all of the time….

  3. Hidenbiden, u are a delusional, senile, racist, puppet, fool. that was kicked to the curb, by his own party. U can thank yourparty, and your buddy obuthead, and G.Looney, piglosi, schumer. all your close friends,are u going to thank them Joe?lol

  4. biden should be required to resign from the presidency immediately. he is a mentally ill nut job. his continued occupation of the white house is democrat corruption.

    we just watched years and years of stupid students and blacks tearing down statues on the basis of people being representative of slavery. those same people also have been demanding reparations.

    Well harris is the great great granddaughter fo the largest slave owner in Jamaican history.

    If you vote for harris then the discussion of slavery history is over. Harris is the living embodiment of the slavers family.

    If you vote for harris we no longer have to even listen to your logic concerning reparations or prior slave owners as you will have voted for slavers.

  5. Joey you were probably there when Franklin was asked that question? Kamala the socialist will now try to complete Barack complete destruction of the US constitution. America’s best defense is to send her back to California, she is a radical has radical policy and is a do nothing individual, just like Hillary she thinks she is entitled to the position. Is there any part of her that is American? I have seen a picture of her family, and she appears to be a half bred like Barack.


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