NYC GOV Hochul CAUGHT financing Judge Merchan’s daughter + Trump gets HUGE BOOST!!



Judges Daughter is raking in millions for daddy. Just like Hunter and the big guy.

That was a good plan of Trump to unite America.


    • Hochul, merchan, and merchan’s daughter all need to go to prison. the trump trial corruption just changed for a corrupt democrat judge and prosecutor to racketeering crimes.

  1. Hochul, merchan, and merchan’s daughter all need to go to prison. the trump trial corruption just changed for a corrupt democrat judge and prosecutor to racketeering crimes.

  2. The entire Biden liars need to all go to prison!!!! They are destroying this country!!!!!!!! If you are a conservative…….fight like hell to save it!!!!!!!

  3. Collusion, anyone? Remember when Trump was in office? Everything that he did was a ‘collusion’ in some form or another with Russia, China, Iran, the Nazis, etc.. These are the traits of Bolshevik Communists — accusing their enemies of the very same thing that they are doing. Evidence that the Commies have taken over the Democrat Party. They are not America’s friend.

  4. New York’s government and judicial system empowered by RETARDED, DEGENERATE
    DEMOCRATIC VOTERS have completely flushed
    toilet,. Could the other 49 states remove the
    NEW YORK STENCH from our atmosphere?
    To be a New York democratic voter requires a
    brain remoxal.!!!

    • Sadly, it is not just New York that has a vile stench. Please add Illinois and California to the list. All of these states have democrap cheaters and scammers in power. We need to remove these corrupt politicians from power and make certain they stay out.

    • Their government and judicial systems are nothing more than another organized crime organization like the many others the state has.

  5. Well this judge knows what he is doing but there is one problem it’s not trump who he needs to worry about it’s the American people how much of this lawlessness are the American people going to stand for biden is loosening the democrats are on the line there only two ways of beating trump prison or death or both…

  6. Explain this one Lucy, federal charges being heard in a state level court?????? Federal charges! This court has zero authority to hear these charges, this judge has wasted the juries time, because if convicted. I am 99% sure that all charges who originally were never proven beyond a reasonable doubt, will be thrown out in a court of appeals.

  7. Nancey Pelosi and her gangster father brought in all this corruption
    to New York politics and then she took it to the west coast and polluted every state with crooked politicians, judges, with their organized crime and now the presidency


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