Lock him up, as a elected official he should know that. He should be impeached, and put thru a trial and jailed if found guilty. He’s not above the law. 🤮🤮🤮
“Good luck to the Feds if they try to get her”…….I, and no doubt many others, would pay good money to witness an FBI SWAT team reduce this boasting fool’s house to a smoldering ruin while retrieving the illegal alien concealed within it. Extra money if we can watch the idiot governor being hauled off to Guantanamo for some recreational waterboarding.
Murphy has always been a POS. New Jerseyhas become a welfare state. That is why the middle class is leaving in droves. Murphy is giving New Jersey the coup de graz that the demorats started years ago.
Lock him up, as a elected official he should know that. He should be impeached, and put thru a trial and jailed if found guilty. He’s not above the law. 🤮🤮🤮
Yeah but Steve I thought all DUMBASSCRATS were above the law……
It makes one wonder just what he really was doing with the hidden migrants. I hope to see him hang!
“Good luck to the Feds if they try to get her”…….I, and no doubt many others, would pay good money to witness an FBI SWAT team reduce this boasting fool’s house to a smoldering ruin while retrieving the illegal alien concealed within it. Extra money if we can watch the idiot governor being hauled off to Guantanamo for some recreational waterboarding.
Murphy has always been a POS. New Jerseyhas become a welfare state. That is why the middle class is leaving in droves. Murphy is giving New Jersey the coup de graz that the demorats started years ago.